  • Pop! Vinyl
  • Several of the figures have been marketed as exclusive variants, sold only during conventions or by specific retailers. The unmasked variants of The Arrow and The Flash were exclusively sold during San Diego Comic-Con 2015, both at the convention and by select retailers, while Pop!s based on Malcolm Merlyn and Grodd were released in a similar fashion during Comic-Con the following year. Within the United States, retailer Fugitive Toys has carried two exclusive Pop! Vinyls, with the first being John Diggle in the Arrow suit and the second being a shirtless variant of Oliver Queen. Entertainment Earth, another U.S.-based retailer, was given distribution of an exclusive unmasked Captain Cold, which has in turn been sold both online and through partner F.Y.E.'s physical locations. Hot Topic, w
  • Several of the figures have been marketed as exclusive variants, sold only during conventions or by specific retailers. The unmasked variants of The Arrow and The Flash were exclusively sold during San Diego Comic-Con 2015, both at the convention and by select retailers, while Pop!s based on Malcolm Merlyn and Grodd were released in a similar fashion during Comic-Con the following year. Within the United States, retailer Fugitive Toys has carried two exclusive Pop! Vinyls, with the first being John Diggle in the Arrow suit and the second being a shirtless variant of Oliver Queen. Entertainment Earth, another U.S.-based retailer, was given distribution of an exclusive unmasked Captain Cold, which has in turn been sold both online and through partner F.Y.E.'s physical locations. Hot Topic, which has often carried exclusive Funko products, sold an Unmasked variant of Deathstroke.