  • K'anpo Rimpoche
  • The Time Lord later known as K'anpo Rimpoche was a member of a Gallifreyan religious order which had fallen into decline by the time the Doctor was young. (The High Council had disestablished the monasteries at some point during or shortly after the reign of Rassilon.) (PROSE: Interference - Book Two) As a youth, the First Doctor knew K'anpo Rimpoche as the Hermit, a wise Time Lord who lived on the side of a mountain behind the house where the Doctor lived as a young boy, (TV: The Time Monster) near the Prydonian Academy where he studied at the time. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation)
  • George Cormack
  • K'anpo Rimpoche
first mention
  • The Time Monster
  • Planet of the Spiders
  • Memories of Gallifrey - The Time Monster - Doctor Who - BBC
  • Time Lord
other actor
  • Kevin Lindsay
  • The Time Lord later known as K'anpo Rimpoche was a member of a Gallifreyan religious order which had fallen into decline by the time the Doctor was young. (The High Council had disestablished the monasteries at some point during or shortly after the reign of Rassilon.) (PROSE: Interference - Book Two) As a youth, the First Doctor knew K'anpo Rimpoche as the Hermit, a wise Time Lord who lived on the side of a mountain behind the house where the Doctor lived as a young boy, (TV: The Time Monster) near the Prydonian Academy where he studied at the time. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) The Hermit told stories to the young Gallifreyans, like the Doctor, on Mount Cadon about vampire swarms (TV: State of Decay) and the legions of the Sphinx. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) The Hermit was, as the Third Doctor later said, his guru. In the time of the Doctor's greatest despair, he showed him hope in a simple yellow flower called a sarlain. (TV: The Time Monster) Once the Hermit told the Doctor to fast for three days and three nights to make supplications to the Menti Celesti. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) Towards the end of the Doctor's first life, K'anpo helped him prepare for his upcoming regeneration. (PROSE: The Three Paths)