  • Ires' Western Capital
  • Ires' Western Capital lies on Fenchenne Isle, the most Farwestern of the main Irelenner Isles. This is true in a geographical sense, and in a political sense. Long ago, Lacha Oyu the daughter of the Fatherkiller, married Great Emperor of the Forest Patilk Laochalk. They had several children, who ruled the Far West, forever forming a bond between the city and the Far West. Some say that Lacha Oyu instead had children with an Iresmen, and that the Great Emperor of the Forest are Iresmen. This position is supported by the purported boyfuckery of Falk IX Laochalk, a supposed mark of Aye the Queen's blood. The Western Capital is heavily forested, and has a population of over 200,000. Its citizens are not barbaric, and instead subsist on rice farming, and politicking in the Far West. Some say th
  • Ires' Western Capital lies on Fenchenne Isle, the most Farwestern of the main Irelenner Isles. This is true in a geographical sense, and in a political sense. Long ago, Lacha Oyu the daughter of the Fatherkiller, married Great Emperor of the Forest Patilk Laochalk. They had several children, who ruled the Far West, forever forming a bond between the city and the Far West. Some say that Lacha Oyu instead had children with an Iresmen, and that the Great Emperor of the Forest are Iresmen. This position is supported by the purported boyfuckery of Falk IX Laochalk, a supposed mark of Aye the Queen's blood. The Western Capital is heavily forested, and has a population of over 200,000. Its citizens are not barbaric, and instead subsist on rice farming, and politicking in the Far West. Some say that Falk had plans of annexing Fenchenne, before he was blown up by Ayeson Garlcutter.