  • Toddler
  • The toddler phase usually starts at any time between one to two years old. It lasts until about three years old. They often wish to do things themselves or more independently than they are able. It is important to let them try and learn, but they will get frustrated. Between the frustration of not being able to do what they want and annoyance with adults that cannot wait, this can be a time of many temper tantrums. Todders have short attention spans. You can use this to your advantage; intentional distractions can be very useful.
  • Toddler is the second life stage available in The Sims 2, The Sims 3, and up-to-date versions of The Sims 4. It is the youngest life stage that the player can create in Create-A-Sim.
  • A toddler, also known as an oddler, is a baby that's like 1-3 years old, if your dumbass life science teacher hasn't already told you that yet, and you can suprise her with a nuke that will go off in her house when she gets home. Oh fuck yeah. A nuke. Yep. That's right.
  • A toddler at the park
  • Stephanie Patton
  • Toddler
  • Two Toddlers in The Sims 2.
  • Toddler
  • The toddler phase usually starts at any time between one to two years old. It lasts until about three years old. They often wish to do things themselves or more independently than they are able. It is important to let them try and learn, but they will get frustrated. Between the frustration of not being able to do what they want and annoyance with adults that cannot wait, this can be a time of many temper tantrums. Todders have short attention spans. You can use this to your advantage; intentional distractions can be very useful.
  • A toddler, also known as an oddler, is a baby that's like 1-3 years old, if your dumbass life science teacher hasn't already told you that yet, and you can suprise her with a nuke that will go off in her house when she gets home. Oh fuck yeah. A nuke. Yep. That's right. Toddlers are commonly considered to be one of the most annoying stages of the human life to have to deal with, excluding the baby one, of course, because everybody knows that that one is the most annoying and it makes you just wanna throw it as far as you can off of the Empire State Building and film it smash head-first onto the roof of a building about 2300 feet down and put it up on YouTube and get about 10 million hits. The reason that toddlers even exist and why scientists haven't just skipped from baby-stage to kid-stage (okay, well, if you wanna call it the "pre-schooler stage" instead then you go the fuck ahead, smartass) is mainly because the government doesn't allow pre-marital time lapses and prefers to conserve those for the later stages in life, such as a pushover husband and a bitchy wife. Those two combinations just don't match very well.
  • Toddler is the second life stage available in The Sims 2, The Sims 3, and up-to-date versions of The Sims 4. It is the youngest life stage that the player can create in Create-A-Sim.