  • Villainy!
  • From: [[]] The Fleet of Truth is made up of equal parts venal academics and dockside bruisers. They aim to board you and steal your research! [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • I didn't think so
Failure title
  • Enjoy the view of my stern, you scoundrels!
  • 120
Failure description
  • Your engines thrash into life. Orthos prefers quantity over quality in his ships and you outpace the battered former coalship with ease. But what's this on the horizon?
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Fleet of Truth
Success description
  • You break open the weapons locker and have your crew ready to repel boarders. At the last moment, the Fleet of Truth's captain decides that he's not being paid enough to deal with you […] You retire to your cabin to continue working on your notes.
  • The Fleet of Truth is made up of equal parts venal academics and dockside bruisers. They aim to board you and steal your research!
  • From: [[]] The Fleet of Truth is made up of equal parts venal academics and dockside bruisers. They aim to board you and steal your research! [Find the rest of the story at ]