  • Kyosuke Shigure
  • Kyosuke doesn't recall the faces of his parents as they divorced when he was young. He only remembers being with his older sister, and they lived together in a small village. His sister juggled with being an university student and various part-time jobs to support them. Kyosuke also worked to lessen the burden on his sister. One day, his sister brought to their home a man who introduced himself as Osaki. The fifteen-year-old Kyosuke didn't trust this mysterious new man and ran away from their home to be alone. Osaki followed him and told him to return before his sister worried. As Osaki offered to bring the boy to his feet, he unleashed a wave of power that frightened Kyosuke. Osaki, who was impressed with the boy's hidden power, manipulated Kyosuke's sister to eventually become their brot
  • All of his past memories, summer
  • 21
  • Older sister , Shizuru Osaki
  • Tōhoku region, Japan
Full Name
  • Kyosuke Shigure
  • Silence, reading books, winter, his weapon, an earring to remember his sister
  • Youto "Kagura" ; a wooden sword with magical properties
  • Kyosuke Shigure
  • 5.680368E8
  • 62.5
  • 178.0
Blood Type
  • O
  • Kyosuke doesn't recall the faces of his parents as they divorced when he was young. He only remembers being with his older sister, and they lived together in a small village. His sister juggled with being an university student and various part-time jobs to support them. Kyosuke also worked to lessen the burden on his sister. One day, his sister brought to their home a man who introduced himself as Osaki. The fifteen-year-old Kyosuke didn't trust this mysterious new man and ran away from their home to be alone. Osaki followed him and told him to return before his sister worried. As Osaki offered to bring the boy to his feet, he unleashed a wave of power that frightened Kyosuke. Osaki, who was impressed with the boy's hidden power, manipulated Kyosuke's sister to eventually become their brother-in-law. When Kyosuke was returning home from his part-time job, Osaki greeted him. He wanted to unleash Kyosuke's true power and therefore killed his older sister. Osaki disappeared and Kyosuke dedicated himself to avenging his loss. In his ending, he isn't seen escaping from the explosion caused by Ohga and presumably dies. Kash, Isato, and Ikki watch the explosion from afar and roughly imply that it was Kyosuke's choice to stay.