  • Spook
  • Spook
  • Spook
  • Spook
  • Spook is a young nomad and mercenary that plays his way across the Wastelands, doing mercenary work to feed his other passions, cooking, poisons, and chems.
  • Categoría:Esbozos Spook es una saqueadora de The Pitt, que vigila la entrada al agujero en 2277.thumb
  • Zealously loyal, proud of his Decepticon allegiance. Sees Galvatron as the supreme being of the Universe. Less effective than he is enthusiastic... suffers from severe superstition and is not a powerful force in combat. Sole asset is his speed... as interstellar spyjet can reach orbital and FTL velocities. Extremely wary of combat situations. Seeks objects and items that will further his favor with his commanders.
  • Spook is a mage attack. It is properly usable at level 4 Inner power. If it works it will reduce the target's defense by 1 point.
  • The Spooks are one of the 13 Major Guilds that exist in Stygia. Spooks practice the Arcanos of Outrage.
  • Spook is a Pitt raider who guards the entrance to The Hole in 2277.
  • Spook was a superhero and enemy of Scorch.
  • Spook is a Nord test character in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
  • Spook, or Lestibournes, is one of the original members of Kelsier's crew. He appears in all three books. Spook's name Lestibournes is translated from street slang to "Lefting I'm born", meaning "I've been abandoned", as Spook's parents hated him because of his Allomantic abilities. The name "Spook" is given to him by Kelsier.
  • Spook is a move used by Lady Bow in the game Paper Mario. This move can be used once Lady Bow reaches the Super Rank and it requires 3 FP to use.
  • Spooks appear in World 3 for the first time as enemies. They are invisible but when Mario gets close, they become visible and chase Mario.
  • Spook is a term for a ghost. The word Spook goes back to 1801, evidently derived from Dutch. Its first use as a verb is recorded in 1867 as "to walk or act like a ghost". The verb usage "to scare or unnerve" dates back to 1935. Spooky, though, goes back to 1854. It was used as a colloquial term for spy in the 20th century.
  • He is the most streetwise member of the gang and one of Top Cat's pals. When Spook talks he says a torrent of "like"'s are used. He is a olive green cat wearing a black tie and bears a resemblance of Fancy-Fancy.
  • In the movie, he sounds younger, his over-use of "like" is altered a bit, and he is a pool hustler. He has his longest speaking role in the movie, when he tells the gang about his friend who may be able to help them break Top Cat out of jail. Benjamin Diskin voices him in the movie.
  • Der Spook, er sollte sich auf Level 10-18 befinden. Erscheint im Zeitraum von 20-04 Uhr (Spielzeit) maximal 2 mal. Ort: um den Tombstone für Rang 2 San d' Oria Hinterlassende Items: Reisemantel Stoffstück Erweckungswurzel Nutzen: Paladin - Benötigt für das Jobquest Paladin Erweckungswurzel Gil - Verkaufe den Reisemantel im Auktionshaus; 10-15k Gil
  • Spook is a woman living in Chicago, Illinois during the Chimeran invasion of the United States. She was a member of Freedom First, and was stranded in Chicago after a massive spire attack. Sometime before the Chimera led a raid in Chicago, Spook remarkably tamed a Chimeran Howler later named Ralf. Spook's appearance stands out the most in Freedom First as she is described as a bald woman whose body is covered in intricate tattoos.
  • |} The Spook/Spooky is an enemy that usually appears in the East Grassy Plains once you pass over the bridge near the entrance to the West Grassy Plains, or the circle at the entrance of the Elderwood. It isn't a strong enemy, and is highly weak to wind magic.
  • Although they killed many members of the team, Logan and John Ramirez survived.
  • Spook is an attack that Bow uses in Paper Mario. This Super Rank move will cost 5 FP. To successfully use this move, the player must repeatedly tilt the control stick to the left to fill the gauge. Then, Lady Bow will grow large and possibly scare enemies away from the battlefield. However, the player receives Star Points for enemies defeated in this way.
  • The Spook spell allows the wizard to play upon the natural fears of the target creature.
  • With a shudder that ran through the deck plates under Aaron's feet, the airlock slammed home and air hissed to signal the lock being sealed. Aaron winced as his ears popped, and looked up expectantly at his father, waiting at the door control as the pressure equalized. To Aaron's surprise, his father wasn't smiling. "Aren't you excited, dad?" Aaron asked. "New people!" His father only nodded slowly and said, with no excitement at all, "Sure, I'm excited." "It's only one person, Aaron." His father slipped him a brief glance as pistons clicked and primed. "And that person, is a spook."
  • El Spook se procesa a partir de los restos vestigiales del tipo más viejo de sintedieta que hay en Necromunda. Los depósitos en mal estado de sintedieta no son hoy en día más que un polvo verde chillón sobre el que han actuado hongos mutantes durante miles de años. Contiene una alta proporción de proteína humana reciclada, y es precisamente dicha esencia humana la responsable de sus dramáticos efectos sobre la psique humana.
  • The Spook was a mad man who had an extreme sensetivity to light, and therefore choose to dwell in a dark, subterranean, dungeon-like lair. In his lair, he commanded a small army of emaciated zombies that he referred to as his "Skeleton Men." The Spook ruled his army of undead from atop a throne decorated with skulls. Within his dungeons, the Spook enjoyed torturing the living who were unfortunate enough to cross his path. His dungeons contained a number of medieval torture and killing devices. The villain known as the Panther, was sentenced to die beneath a swinging pendulum blade. The Spook also tried to kill detective Ace Powers, but Ace managed to escape and had the local police blow up the entrance to the Spook's lair.
  • 1
  • 15
  • PC-5
  • Superhuman.
  • Evil
  • Amoral
temp companion
  • no
  • Aggressive
  • GeneralIdleFaction
  • MS13CanMez
  • SmokerFaction
  • DLC01CombatRaiders
  • DLC01PittRaiderFaction
  • DLC01RaiderConvFaction
perm companion
  • no
Row 4 info
  • Harry Anderson
  • Wizard
  • empty
  • -
  • yes
Enemy name
  • Spook
Row 1 info
  • Unknown
max condition
  • -
  • 0
item code
  • SCRLA6
not usable by
  • no
Casting Time
  • 1
  • no
cure addiction
  • no
Row 4 title
  • Created by
saving throw
  • Negates
  • A product of Dr Michael Peyne's project to breed superhumans, Penny Moon became Spook, a member of the superhero team Cloud 9 who protected Britain in the 1960s. When her teammate Lux proposed that their kind were destined to supplant humanity, Spook supported him, leading to the dissolution of Cloud 9 when Voltage, Mandala and Red Dragon opposed the scheme. After their former comrades White Heat and Doctor Beat were murdered by the CIA, Spook and Lux faked their own deaths and fled into the multiverse, but returned twenty years later to join their surviving ex-teammates in battling the demonic Lloigor. Ultimately, they realised they were destined to evolve into Lloigor themselves. Spook, Lux, Voltage and others including the woman Blaze did so, almost destroying the Earth and conquering the universe before being trapped forever inside a pocket universe by Mandala and the third generation superhuman Zenith, the son of White Heat and Dr. Beat.
  • Raider armor
Row 2 info
  • Silver Streak Comics #6
Combat style
  • Default
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
cure radiation
  • no
  • Spyjet
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
quests started
  • -
  • -
  • 40
area of effect
  • 1
  • HairRaiderF05
Row 3 info
  • Lev Gleason
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
  • -
scroll icon
  • Spook Icon Scroll.png
  • Spook
quests involved
  • Grant Morrison; Steve Yeowell
  • 30
  • personal
  • 45531086
Box Title
  • The Spook
  • Medicine
  • Survival
  • Sneak
  • FO3TP
  • Decepticon
  • Bred by Dr Michael Peyne
  • wizard utility
  • Repair 50
  • Explosives 60
  • Melee 60
  • Medicine 100
  • Sneak 100
  • Survival 100
  • Barter 40
  • Energy Weapons 30
  • Guns 80
  • Lockpick 75
  • Science 85
  • Speech 40
  • Unarmed 50
  • Guard
  • Bald
  • Spook
  • spook
  • OC
  • Small Frame, Feral Kid
  • 2000
  • Female
  • Reconnaissance
  • Einstein-Rosen bridges.
  • As a Lloigor, multipotent and able to warp reality to suit herself.
Hair Color
  • Black
  • yes
  • no
  • 250
  • Aggressive
  • Penny Moon
Appears In
  • terreo
  • Yes
  • 1
  • Spook
  • 3
  • British
  • no
  • Support
  • Flight; partial invulnerability; ability to manipulate her own molecular structure and phase through solid objects; ability to create dimensional gateways called Einstein-Rosen bridges; ability to tell if people are lying by looking at their auras.
  • The spell doesnt really work when a creature is running towards you, they will make a turn for a milli second but then immediatelly follow you again
  • 2000
  • Helps allies
  • Illusion/Phantasm
  • Superhero
  • "Test" character
  • free
  • Brave
Eye Color
  • Dark brown
  • Female
  • Male
  • 70
  • Member, Black Flag Company
  • Penelope Moon
  • The user makes an Intimidate check
  • encounter
  • -
  • -4.0
  • "You instead make an Arcana check and use that result to determine the outcome of the Intimidate check."
wikipage disambiguates
soul points
  • 0
  • Necromancers
  • Rad Resistance, Toughness, Finesse, Hunter, Run'n'Gun, Swift Learner, Comprehension, Nerd Rage, Light Step, Chemist, Silent Running, Cannibal, Child at Heart, Mister Sandman, Acquired Taste
  • 64
  • Neutral
GECK race
  • AsianRaider
  • 45531086
  • Spook is a young nomad and mercenary that plays his way across the Wastelands, doing mercenary work to feed his other passions, cooking, poisons, and chems.
  • El Spook se procesa a partir de los restos vestigiales del tipo más viejo de sintedieta que hay en Necromunda. Los depósitos en mal estado de sintedieta no son hoy en día más que un polvo verde chillón sobre el que han actuado hongos mutantes durante miles de años. Contiene una alta proporción de proteína humana reciclada, y es precisamente dicha esencia humana la responsable de sus dramáticos efectos sobre la psique humana. Se suele tomar en forma líquida, como la poción mágica definitiva. Tomada en pequeñas cantidades, despierta las habilidades psíquicas del consumidor. Tomado en mayores cantidades establece un canal entre el cuerpo físico y el espiritual de una persona con la Disformidad. Si el individuo tiene un espíritu fuerte, el alma quedará anclada al cuerpo físico; si no es así toda su energía psíquica será absorbida y se perderá en el vacío. Es por esta razón que el Spook es una sustancia muy peligrosa, cuyo consumo está muy perseguido y reprimido por el Imperio. Dentro de la sociedad de las Colmenas, la gente siempre está buscando formas de explotar todo aquello que cae en sus manos. La gente que tropezó con los inusuales depósitos verdes buscaron formas de convertirlos en riqueza, como habían hecho con cualquier otra substancia, y en el proceso descubrieron cómo crear el Spook. Sin tener en cuenta ni saber nada acerca del alma humana ni del peligro inherente en la metamorfosis del género humano en una raza psíquica, el Spook sólo era para ellos una sustancia más a ser reciclada y explotada para conseguir un beneficio. Siempre ha habido una demanda masiva de drogas en la sociedad de las Colmenas, principalmente para complementar la dieta y alejar las enfermedades. El Spook se volvió popular entre la nobleza, que se deleitó con sus exóticos efectos. Poco a poco llegó a filtrarse a través de la sociedad de la Colmena. Las casas nobles que explotaban dicho recurso mantuvieron en secreto los negocios con dicha substancia, y siguieron enriqueciéndose. La casa noble del propio Señor de Necromunda se involucró en el negocio, y fue capaz de organizar el comercio extraplanetario del Spook, lo que se consiguió usando contrabandistas, ya que la flota imperial llevaba un control exhaustivo de todo comercio legal llevado a cabo en el espacio. Nadie sabía o podía predecir dónde aparecerían los depósitos de Spook, pero cada vez que se descubría uno nuevo la "gente adecuada" acababa enterándose, y pronto comenzaba la extracción y el procesamiento. Las casas nobles de confianza con conexiones con la dinastía regente obtenían concesiones para explotar el depósito. También era posible que grupos furtivos tropezaran por casualidad, durante sus búsquedas de rapiña, y negociaran con pequeñas cantidades del producto. Esto explica que pequeñas cantidades de Spook pudieran encontrarse en los suburbios y en los barrios de chabolas. Los agentes imperiales que intentaban rastrear el Spook hasta su fuente acababan encontrándose con el Spook extraído por los furtivos, por lo que las fuentes principales permanecían ocultas, ya que no había nada que conectara a la nobleza con el Spook de los furtivos. Los principales usuarios del Spook eran los cultos secretos que se ocultaban en muchas Colmenas. Dichos cultistas necesitaban un suministro constante de dicha substancia de mejora psicoactiva. En particular, los Inmortales necesitaban enormes cantidades para sus ritos, y la expansión del culto fue seguramente el principal y más importante factor de la expansión y crecimiento del comercio de Spook. Muchos de los señores de la droga, que distribuían principalmente Spook y que regían las Ciudades Prohibidas, seguramente acabaron siendo miembros del culto. El Spook se distribuye fácilmente a través de las bandas nómadas, furtivas, o de la Subcolmena, que no hacen preguntas y que solo conocen al siguiente eslabón de la cadena.
  • Categoría:Esbozos Spook es una saqueadora de The Pitt, que vigila la entrada al agujero en 2277.thumb
  • Zealously loyal, proud of his Decepticon allegiance. Sees Galvatron as the supreme being of the Universe. Less effective than he is enthusiastic... suffers from severe superstition and is not a powerful force in combat. Sole asset is his speed... as interstellar spyjet can reach orbital and FTL velocities. Extremely wary of combat situations. Seeks objects and items that will further his favor with his commanders.
  • Spook is a mage attack. It is properly usable at level 4 Inner power. If it works it will reduce the target's defense by 1 point.
  • The Spooks are one of the 13 Major Guilds that exist in Stygia. Spooks practice the Arcanos of Outrage.
  • Spook is a Pitt raider who guards the entrance to The Hole in 2277.
  • Spook was a superhero and enemy of Scorch.
  • With a shudder that ran through the deck plates under Aaron's feet, the airlock slammed home and air hissed to signal the lock being sealed. Aaron winced as his ears popped, and looked up expectantly at his father, waiting at the door control as the pressure equalized. To Aaron's surprise, his father wasn't smiling. "Aren't you excited, dad?" Aaron asked. "New people!" Aaron, or anyone else on Lubar Station for that matter, barely ever got to see new people. Not in person, anyway. There were occasionally video messages delivered through Waypoint, but they almost always showed some researcher droning on about new research and numbers his parents or the dozen other station workers had to update. Talking to the same handful of people about the same slipspace distortions over and over again got old quick, and growing up the only kid on the station made it even worse. That's why he made sure to be around for every new arrival, and stuck by them every second he could until they passed through. At least some of the other crew members would usually do the same, but today it was just Aaron and his dad in the airlock corridor. He couldn't figure why; it'd been at least five months since a ship had even used their position as a jump point without stopping in. Maybe it had something to do with all the 'weird distortions' everyone had been whispering about for the last few weeks. His father only nodded slowly and said, with no excitement at all, "Sure, I'm excited." Aaron glanced at the porthole window in the door his father was glaring through, but he was too short to see what he was looking at. "So why isn't anyone else here to see them?" "It's only one person, Aaron." His father slipped him a brief glance as pistons clicked and primed. "And that person, is a spook." Before Aaron could even ask, the controls lit up green, and his father punched open the door's control. The door split in half and rolled into the walls, revealing a figure on the other side Aaron couldn't have expected. Their limbs were all bulky, covered with armor plates like the ODSTs Aaron had figures of, and the same went for their chest. The plates were painted grey, same as the sleek helmet encasing the person's head, with a yellow visor in the shape of an inverted triangle on its front. The sight was one altogether alien to Aaron, but he couldn't help feeling somehow cheated. He'd wanted to see what this new person really looked like. "Welcome aboard." His father said as the person stepped through, offering a hand. The person didn't take it. "Do you have your findings ready?" The voice was male, and didn't need the radio speaker clicking on and off to punctuate his words for the voice to sound husky. By the way his crewman's jumpsuit slacked, Aaron's father looked relieved the stranger was being so short. He swept an arm to invite him further down the corridor. "On a chip, and still plugged in if you want to download anything else." The stranger nodded, and started walking past without another sign of noticing either of them, when Aaron stepped sideways into the center of the corridor, blocking his path. He wouldn't be so casually denied. "Hi!" Aaron half-yelled in his most obnoxious, cheerful, impossible-to-politely-ignore voice. The helmet tilted down, orienting itself so the yellow triangle was directly on Aaron. He hoped the stranger would take off his helmet to smile at him, maybe ruffle his hair a little bit. Aaron hated that, but he'd suffer it just to see a different face. Maybe he'd only get a greeting, but that'd be enough. He'd at least excuse himself, and hearing his voice a bit more could help Aaron to imagine what his face looked like, but . . . nothing. The stranger's stare lingered on him, a voiceless leer that made Aaron only more and more uncomfortable as it went on. It had just gone on long enough for Aaron to start thinking he'd missed a cue in how grown-up conversation worked when his father interjected. "Okay, well, this is Aaron. I'll take care of him and be right behind you, Lieutenant, you go on ahead." The helmet turned away, and Aaron resumed breathing. He hadn't realized he'd stopped. "Right." the stranger grunted. He stepped around Aaron, and as his father knelt beside him, continued up the corridor, his bootsteps still receding after he was out of sight. Still looking the way he'd gone even as his father rested his hands on Aaron's small shoulders, Aaron didn't understand. Had he done something wrong? Had the stranger? Something sure hadn't seemed right. "Aaron, you know, you don't see one every day, but I think we need to have a talk about talking to strangers." His father said, drawing Aaron's attention back. "What's a spook, dad?" Aaron asked. His father laughed and shook his head just a bit. "Not a what, kid, just a who. It's what people like your mother and I call the people who work for Naval Intelligence. They're always looking for trouble, so they always show up when trouble does. So, we call 'em spooks." "Are we in trouble?" "Nah, but someone out there is. That's why he's around. So don't you worry about it, just run along. I'll see you in a while." His father ruffled Aaron's hair the way he hated, then stood up and walked down the corridor after the spook. When his footsteps had faded, Aaron waited just a moment more to be sure he was gone. Trouble was a word that meant about the same as 'fun' in Aaron's book. This spook was the most interesting thing Aaron had been around in months. He wasn't about to let the chance to see what one looked like pass him by, and he knew just how to get that look. The moment he was sure it was safe, Aaron turned the other way up the corridor, towards the open airlock, and ran right through. Most of the time strangers came aboard, all the grown-ups wanted to talk to them about grown-up things, boring stuff like what was on the news, and they always wanted Aaron out of the way while they talked. So to get a look at new people, Aaron had gotten really good at hide-and-seek over time. There were places he'd found in the station, little alcoves and crawl spaces just small enough for someone his size that he was sure no one else on the station knew about. The spook's shuttle would be the same way. The shuttle's inside looked a lot like the station's. Same regulation-height ceiling of the same metal plating, but the layout was different, like a whole new room added on to the ship. Just one room, though; it was cramped, with just one aisle cleared to run between a personal quarters fit for one and a small pilot's cabin. It smelled funny to Aaron, but he figured that was normal. He was so used to the station's same air recycled over and over, he could tell the difference when someone new came aboard. Maybe it was a different soap they used. Most of the shuttle was tightly-packed with all the supplies a spaceship needed in compact forms, but there was a perfect place for him to hide beneath the perfectly-made bed, where he couldn't be seen, but had a clear view of the cabin at an angle where the pilot's chair wouldn't get in his way. He wouldn't need to wait long. Spacers on ships this small were always eager to stretch their legs, and stayed on the station for a few days before moving on. They'd be back in a while, done with whatever business they had to get out of the way, and then, Aaron was sure, they'd be back to take the armor off so they could relax in the station a bit. While he waited, Aaron found himself stifling a giggle. The spook must've been a funny kind of person. If Aaron had a spaceship all to himself, he'd never have to make his bed. He wasn't sure if it was an hour or half an hour, but eventually, he heard one set of footsteps coming back up the corridor. Aaron steeled himself against squirming in anticipation and wedged himself further back into his hiding spot. The spook walked in and halted, standing straight-backed as the door closed behind him. Aaron expected him to slouch like all the other grown-ups did when they were done working, but he didn't. It almost seemed like the spook couldn't relax, his posture was too rigid. He turned and went to the pilot's seat, sitting down a little awkwardly with his back still straight, and just as Aaron predicted seated himself just so Aaron could see the side of his yellow visor. He rolled his head one way and the other, some uncomfortable-sounding pops issuing from beneath it, and reached up to remove his helmet. His patience about to be rewarded, Aaron didn't even blink as the helmet's rim lifted over its wearer's head, and found abruptly he couldn't have blinked if he wanted to. And he wanted to desperately, just for the split second of relief looking away for that long would have given him. He struggled not to gasp at what he saw. As the helmet lifted, it didn't reveal skin on the spook's neck, but a sleek, iridescent shell. As it cleared his chin, it revealed a jagged pair of lips cutting too far back along his cheek, and jagged, serrated teeth protruding out at odd angles. Above them, a glistening, black nose like a dog's flared as it inhaled the shuttle's air for the first time, and Aaron could see just the very edge of one bugged-out yellow eye with its slitted pupil fixated out the window at some point in deep space. The crown of his head, as the helmet cleared it, revealed the chitinous shell breaking up into an overlapping mail of scaly plates. The shuttle's alien smell was suddenly worse, and Aaron had to clamp his own jaws down to keep from being sick. The person—no, the spook, Aaron decided—refocused the predatory intent of its gaze upon the console, and lifted a hand to the console, removing a glove to free its backwards-bending fingers for typing. Instinct rose in Aaron's stomach, yanking at his nerves to get his limbs moving, running for the door as fast as he could, but the fear of those slitted eyes fixing on him even for a second held him still. It's better if I don't move. Aaron rationalized. He'll leave in a minute, and I can slip out again. Aaron had heard that sound at least a thousand times, but in that moment, it frightened him almost as much as the sight of the spook did. Air flowing through tubes, being sucked back out of the airlock seal. The horrible realization finished the job his fear had started, rendering him utterly paralyzed. There was a rumble, and with a shake in the floor under Aaron, the little shuttle kicked free of his home station. Empty space now cut him off from everything but this tiny steel room, and the spook seated at the controls. He felt engines kicking on to widen the gap, but he was sure a meter or a lightyear, any distance between him and safety, had no difference to him now. Aaron wondered how long he could stay hidden—and how long it would take that nose to sniff him out.
  • Spook is a Nord test character in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
  • Spook, or Lestibournes, is one of the original members of Kelsier's crew. He appears in all three books. Spook's name Lestibournes is translated from street slang to "Lefting I'm born", meaning "I've been abandoned", as Spook's parents hated him because of his Allomantic abilities. The name "Spook" is given to him by Kelsier.
  • Spook is a move used by Lady Bow in the game Paper Mario. This move can be used once Lady Bow reaches the Super Rank and it requires 3 FP to use.
  • Spooks appear in World 3 for the first time as enemies. They are invisible but when Mario gets close, they become visible and chase Mario.
  • Spook is a term for a ghost. The word Spook goes back to 1801, evidently derived from Dutch. Its first use as a verb is recorded in 1867 as "to walk or act like a ghost". The verb usage "to scare or unnerve" dates back to 1935. Spooky, though, goes back to 1854. It was used as a colloquial term for spy in the 20th century.
  • He is the most streetwise member of the gang and one of Top Cat's pals. When Spook talks he says a torrent of "like"'s are used. He is a olive green cat wearing a black tie and bears a resemblance of Fancy-Fancy.
  • In the movie, he sounds younger, his over-use of "like" is altered a bit, and he is a pool hustler. He has his longest speaking role in the movie, when he tells the gang about his friend who may be able to help them break Top Cat out of jail. Benjamin Diskin voices him in the movie.
  • Der Spook, er sollte sich auf Level 10-18 befinden. Erscheint im Zeitraum von 20-04 Uhr (Spielzeit) maximal 2 mal. Ort: um den Tombstone für Rang 2 San d' Oria Hinterlassende Items: Reisemantel Stoffstück Erweckungswurzel Nutzen: Paladin - Benötigt für das Jobquest Paladin Erweckungswurzel Gil - Verkaufe den Reisemantel im Auktionshaus; 10-15k Gil
  • The Spook was a mad man who had an extreme sensetivity to light, and therefore choose to dwell in a dark, subterranean, dungeon-like lair. In his lair, he commanded a small army of emaciated zombies that he referred to as his "Skeleton Men." The Spook ruled his army of undead from atop a throne decorated with skulls. Within his dungeons, the Spook enjoyed torturing the living who were unfortunate enough to cross his path. His dungeons contained a number of medieval torture and killing devices. The villain known as the Panther, was sentenced to die beneath a swinging pendulum blade. The Spook also tried to kill detective Ace Powers, but Ace managed to escape and had the local police blow up the entrance to the Spook's lair. The Spook was a man of imposing stature, standing close to 7 feet tall. Although he was not a great combatant himself, his "Skeleton Men" were strong and did not feel the effects of gunshot wounds. It is unclear if the Skeleton Men were a product of science or magic, but it is clear that the Spook created them. The Spook likely had good vision in low light, and his dungeons were filled with every instrument of death and torture.
  • Spook is a woman living in Chicago, Illinois during the Chimeran invasion of the United States. She was a member of Freedom First, and was stranded in Chicago after a massive spire attack. Sometime before the Chimera led a raid in Chicago, Spook remarkably tamed a Chimeran Howler later named Ralf. Spook's appearance stands out the most in Freedom First as she is described as a bald woman whose body is covered in intricate tattoos.
  • |} The Spook/Spooky is an enemy that usually appears in the East Grassy Plains once you pass over the bridge near the entrance to the West Grassy Plains, or the circle at the entrance of the Elderwood. It isn't a strong enemy, and is highly weak to wind magic.
  • Although they killed many members of the team, Logan and John Ramirez survived.
  • Spook is an attack that Bow uses in Paper Mario. This Super Rank move will cost 5 FP. To successfully use this move, the player must repeatedly tilt the control stick to the left to fill the gauge. Then, Lady Bow will grow large and possibly scare enemies away from the battlefield. However, the player receives Star Points for enemies defeated in this way.
  • The Spook spell allows the wizard to play upon the natural fears of the target creature.
is killedby of
is subspecies of