  • Defend Spite from the neddy men
  • From: [[]] The people of Spite have little enough. They must keep what they have. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Life goes on
Failure title
  • Troubled
  • 130
Failure description
  • You put up a robust resistance. But there are too many of them. If the dawn rose here, it would find you sheltering in a market hall. And some of the neddy men saw your face.
From Card/Storylet title
  • A Night of Desperate Ambushes
Success description
  • Spite's narrow streets saw ambush after ambush. But by the lighting of the lamps, the neddy men had retreated. Spite was little worse than the day before. The skirmishes were never mentioned in the newspapers. Life goes on.
  • The people of Spite have little enough. They must keep what they have.
  • From: [[]] The people of Spite have little enough. They must keep what they have. [Find the rest of the story at ]