  • Squirt (Camp Lakebottom)
  • Squirt and McGee seem to be inseparable. He also has a knack of making friends with monstrous animals, and with their help manages to get himself and his friends out of scrapes time and time again. He is also very intelligent. He cares deeply for any animal, quickly adopting them, even though they are not or ever should be house pets. You could even say: with his childlike curiosity, he is the innocence and heart of the Bottom Dwellers group.
  • Squirt and McGee seem to be inseparable. He also has a knack of making friends with monstrous animals, and with their help manages to get himself and his friends out of scrapes time and time again. He is also very intelligent. He cares deeply for any animal, quickly adopting them, even though they are not or ever should be house pets. You could even say: with his childlike curiosity, he is the innocence and heart of the Bottom Dwellers group.