  • Space Jam/WMG
  • After the ending of Micheal winning the game after coming off a spaceship, the world finds out about the Toons. Soon the WB gets them to be Animated Actors to get them under thumb while the Toons get to be free to roam around and start bussinesses with their profits. The Acme Corporation was a real business and the effect of having the Toons come in changed their operating procedures. The CEO went mad after finding out he could squeeze out as much money as he could out of Wile E Coyote and soon wanted to rule the world. Bugs, as the most popular toon, made a mad bid for power that resulted in the ending of Back in Action.
  • After the ending of Micheal winning the game after coming off a spaceship, the world finds out about the Toons. Soon the WB gets them to be Animated Actors to get them under thumb while the Toons get to be free to roam around and start bussinesses with their profits. The Acme Corporation was a real business and the effect of having the Toons come in changed their operating procedures. The CEO went mad after finding out he could squeeze out as much money as he could out of Wile E Coyote and soon wanted to rule the world. Bugs, as the most popular toon, made a mad bid for power that resulted in the ending of Back in Action.