  • Operation: Doodlebug
  • Operation: Doodlebug is the name that was given to the final brute-force operation to reduce the D-Reaper entity to its harmless original form. The plan was developed in a last ditch effort by the Monster Makers team. According to the plan, the [[Juggernaut ()|Juggernaut]] program, which had served a less benign role earlier in the series, was to be loaded into Terriermon, who would then, in the form of MegaGargomon (the biomerge digivolution of Terriermon and Henry Wong), enter an opening in the vortex that was created by the D-Reaper to link between the Digital World and the Human World. There, he would proceed to spin in the opposite direction of the vortex's flow, creating a backwards flow in time that, combined with MegaGargomon's release of the Juggernaut algorithm in a "big bang" fo
  • Operation: Doodlebug is the name that was given to the final brute-force operation to reduce the D-Reaper entity to its harmless original form. The plan was developed in a last ditch effort by the Monster Makers team. According to the plan, the [[Juggernaut ()|Juggernaut]] program, which had served a less benign role earlier in the series, was to be loaded into Terriermon, who would then, in the form of MegaGargomon (the biomerge digivolution of Terriermon and Henry Wong), enter an opening in the vortex that was created by the D-Reaper to link between the Digital World and the Human World. There, he would proceed to spin in the opposite direction of the vortex's flow, creating a backwards flow in time that, combined with MegaGargomon's release of the Juggernaut algorithm in a "big bang" form, would result in the forceful reversion of the D-Reaper back into the Digital World and back into the form that was less complex than a calculator, as was originally intended.