  • Isle d'Oriens
  • Isle d'Oriens is a floating city partially thetered between the Ethereal Realm and Lore. It can be accessed from the town of Battleon, through a spatial rip in the sky. As the 'Rip in the Sky', it is travel description is "Enter a legendary hidden city in the sky and uncover vast mysteries!" To see all dialogue corresponding to this area, see Isle d'Oriens/Dialogue.
  • Isle d'Oriens is a floating city partially thetered between the Ethereal Realm and Lore. It can be accessed from the town of Battleon, through a spatial rip in the sky. As the 'Rip in the Sky', it is travel description is "Enter a legendary hidden city in the sky and uncover vast mysteries!" To see all dialogue corresponding to this area, see Isle d'Oriens/Dialogue.
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