  • IOS 10
  • This section of the article "IOS 10" has data missing or is otherwise incomplete. Please help by [ adding content] to the section, or the article as a whole. Thank you! iOS 10 is the newest version of iOS that was released on September 13, 2016, after the iPhone 7 release. It features richer notifications, more accuracy on Siri, and installing stickers and enlarging messages in iMessage. Here are some things it includes:
  • 10.300000
  • iOS 10
  • 2016-09-13
  • 10.300000
  • Free
  • Apple
  • This section of the article "IOS 10" has data missing or is otherwise incomplete. Please help by [ adding content] to the section, or the article as a whole. Thank you! iOS 10 is the newest version of iOS that was released on September 13, 2016, after the iPhone 7 release. It features richer notifications, more accuracy on Siri, and installing stickers and enlarging messages in iMessage. Here are some things it includes: * Swift Playgrounds, a game where you can create your own game and learn serious code in any way. It was released with the update. * New news app layout. * New home wallpaper. * Major improvements in Siri. This includes developers being able to use the new SiriAPI. * New features in iMessage, such as bigger emojis, Digital Touch (as seen in the Apple Watch Series 1), an iMessage App Store, and others. * New home app, where you can control your own HomeKit accessories. * New Apple Music layout. * Bug fixes and improvements. * iPhone 6s users can use 3D Touch on notifications so they can reply to messages more quickly. * On an iPad, you can now have a Split Screen view of 2 websites in Safari. * You could delete some apps that you don't want such as home, news, etc. * Animation in iMessage.