  • Mammoths
  • Mammoths
  • Mammoths (nl mammoeten) zijn wezens die nog niet bestaan op Runescape.
  • Mammoths are a larger, hairier relatives of elephants. They are the only species of elephant native to Westeros.
  • Even worse there are rumors that some of these beasts have been possessed by daemons. There might be truth in this, because some mammoths of the north have developed mutations that make them even more dangerous.
  • A wooly mammoth is a type of animal native to the Far North of the Ayelands, as well as surrounding nations. Mammoths are huge wooly elephants, bigger than mastodons, and meaner too, though unlike mastodons they have been domesticated, and are used as huge load bearers. Their meat is tough and unpleasant, and is generally reserved only for the hardest of times, though they are renowned and well-loved for their mammoth's milk.
  • Various worlds owned by mammoths include Mammopolis and Morass Minor. They like racing very fast cars, and built the Mammoth Space-Car Races. Doctor Finkle the carnotaurus disguised himself as a mammoth doctor in Contest Carnage!, showing that at least a few may be friendly to the Vegetarian Sector. They do not seem to have firm alligances to either section of the Jurassic Quadrant. Real woolly mammoths were large, hairy relatives of today's elephant with small ears and
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  • Mammopolis
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  • DSS Rating
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  • Various
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  • Planet Of Hatching
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  • Old enough to know better.
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  • Words of more than two syllables.
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  • Full Name
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  • Anything fast and noisy.
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  • Age
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  • Builders and racers.
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  • Rank
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  • 7.500000
Box Title
  • Mammoths
  • Active
  • Tundra
  • Mammal
  • 250
  • Mammoths
  • Herbivore
  • Mammoths (nl mammoeten) zijn wezens die nog niet bestaan op Runescape.
  • Mammoths are a larger, hairier relatives of elephants. They are the only species of elephant native to Westeros.
  • Even worse there are rumors that some of these beasts have been possessed by daemons. There might be truth in this, because some mammoths of the north have developed mutations that make them even more dangerous.
  • A wooly mammoth is a type of animal native to the Far North of the Ayelands, as well as surrounding nations. Mammoths are huge wooly elephants, bigger than mastodons, and meaner too, though unlike mastodons they have been domesticated, and are used as huge load bearers. Their meat is tough and unpleasant, and is generally reserved only for the hardest of times, though they are renowned and well-loved for their mammoth's milk. In the Cold Season, upwards of 100,000 mammoths would come down from the Far North into the southern Ayelands. Now, a scarce 10,000 survive in total, and only a mere 1,000 make the journey, for only very few places in the south are any longer habitable.
  • Various worlds owned by mammoths include Mammopolis and Morass Minor. They like racing very fast cars, and built the Mammoth Space-Car Races. Doctor Finkle the carnotaurus disguised himself as a mammoth doctor in Contest Carnage!, showing that at least a few may be friendly to the Vegetarian Sector. They do not seem to have firm alligances to either section of the Jurassic Quadrant. Notable mammoths include Grandum, Tonka, and Marvin. Mammoths can have brown or gray fur. Mammoths have appeared in The Skies of Fear, The Planet of Peril, Revenge of the FANG, and a flock of tiny winged mammoths made by General Loki's dream meteor attacked the Sauropod crew in The Dreams of Dread. Real woolly mammoths were large, hairy relatives of today's elephant with small ears and long tusks that lived in Europe, North America, and Asia during the Ice Age, long after the extinction of the dinosaurs. They were herd animals with well-documented remains, including frozen specimens. Some are so well preserved that some scientists believe that woolly mammoths can be cloned and brought back to life. Early humans hunted woolly mammoths for food, and overhunting is a proposed cause for their extinction, along with climate change. They were distantly related to woolly rhinos.