  • Quest:Field Duty
  • Windcaller Kaldon wants you to... 1. * Prepare your Unsigned Field Duty Papers (by using them). 2. * Have them signed by the leader in your faction's camp: Captain Blackanvil of the Ironforge Brigade near Hive'Zora Krug Skullsplit of the Orgrimmar Legion near Hive'Regal 3. * Return the Signed Field Duty Papers to him at Cenarion Hold in Silithus. Quest items: * Provided Item: *
  • Windcaller Kaldon wants you to... 1. * Prepare your Unsigned Field Duty Papers (by using them). 2. * Have them signed by the leader in your faction's camp: Captain Blackanvil of the Ironforge Brigade near Hive'Zora Krug Skullsplit of the Orgrimmar Legion near Hive'Regal 3. * Return the Signed Field Duty Papers to him at Cenarion Hold in Silithus. Quest items: * Provided Item: *