  • ACDC Area
  • Lan Hikari's computer exits into ACDC Area 1, while the locations of Yai's, Dex's, and Mayl's computer varies across the series. In Mega Man Battle Network 6, ACDC Area isn't the first location available in the game and contains relatively strong viruses. As the bulletin board for the area reveals, this is due to Lan and MegaMan moving to Central Town and not being available to bust viruses, causing stronger breeds to arise.
  • Lan Hikari's computer exits into ACDC Area 1, while the locations of Yai's, Dex's, and Mayl's computer varies across the series. In Mega Man Battle Network 6, ACDC Area isn't the first location available in the game and contains relatively strong viruses. As the bulletin board for the area reveals, this is due to Lan and MegaMan moving to Central Town and not being available to bust viruses, causing stronger breeds to arise.