  • The Universe of Ettins
  • Lots, ettin-related and otherwise. Also contains a Creatures breed list, tutorials and some . List: * C1 breeds * Female and Child Shee Sprites * Baby female Grendel Sprites * C2 breeds * Amphibious Dragons * Hell Santas * Micro Ettins * Micro Grendels * Seaweed Grendel * C2 genomes * Dantia Norns (a genetic breed for Creatures 2) * C3 agents * Ettin Sugar-Star Vendor * Ettin Easter Basket * GryphonNorn Dolly * LankyNorn Dolly * AquaShee Dolly * NEG Dolls * CA Ettinhomesmell Emitter * CA Grendelhomesmell Emitter * CA Nornhomesmell Emitter * C3 breeds * Akatora Norns * Easter Bunny Norns * Phoenix Norns * Reindeer Norns * Sprite Norns * Dragonfly Demon Ettins * Glow-in-t
  • Lots, ettin-related and otherwise. Also contains a Creatures breed list, tutorials and some . List: * C1 breeds * Female and Child Shee Sprites * Baby female Grendel Sprites * C2 breeds * Amphibious Dragons * Hell Santas * Micro Ettins * Micro Grendels * Seaweed Grendel * C2 genomes * Dantia Norns (a genetic breed for Creatures 2) * C3 agents * Ettin Sugar-Star Vendor * Ettin Easter Basket * GryphonNorn Dolly * LankyNorn Dolly * AquaShee Dolly * NEG Dolls * CA Ettinhomesmell Emitter * CA Grendelhomesmell Emitter * CA Nornhomesmell Emitter * C3 breeds * Akatora Norns * Easter Bunny Norns * Phoenix Norns * Reindeer Norns * Sprite Norns * Dragonfly Demon Ettins * Glow-in-the-Dark Ettins * Guppy Ettins * Micro Ettins * Rain Ettins * Winged Ettins * Micro Grendels * Maraquan Grendels * Vampyre Grendels * C3 genomes * Coming Soon