  • Accompany the Fierce Anarchist on his next operation
  • From: [[]] You are to start a brawl in a rough coffee-house while the Anarchist slips upstairs. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Mayhem
Failure title
  • A rethink is in order
  • 15
Failure description
  • You call a rotund waiter an oaf. He kicks you clean into the street. Damn.
From Card/Storylet title
  • A knock at the door
Success description
  • You catch the eye of a rotund waiter. You sneer and compliment him on the hospitality of his mother. […] Mayhem ensues, and the Anarchist sneaks up the stairs. He returns some time later, wiping blood from his hands. […]
  • You are to start a brawl in a rough coffee-house while the Anarchist slips upstairs.
Success summary
  • The Fierce Anarchist likes to handle his murders personally, it seems. He pays you well.
  • From: [[]] You are to start a brawl in a rough coffee-house while the Anarchist slips upstairs. [Find the rest of the story at ]