  • BIGG
  • The BIGG (stands for Bewilderingly Incomprehensibly Ginormous Googolism) is equal to 200? = 200![[<1(200)2>⁅200⁆1]], using Hyperfactorial array notation. The term was coined by Lawrence Hollom. It is the largest googologism coined by Lawrence Hollom (followed by nucleaquaxul), and in fact he promises to change its definition as HAN develops so it is always his largest googologism.
  • The BIGG (stands for Bewilderingly Incomprehensibly Ginormous Googolism) is equal to 200? = 200![[<1(200)2>⁅200⁆1]], using Hyperfactorial array notation. The term was coined by Lawrence Hollom. It is the largest googologism coined by Lawrence Hollom (followed by nucleaquaxul), and in fact he promises to change its definition as HAN develops so it is always his largest googologism.