  • Zorm (Smash Wars)
  • Zorm is the leader of the Demon Army and the final boss of Super Smash Bros. Smash Wars's Adventure Mode. He plans to use his demon soldiers to turn the World of Trophies into the World of Doom. He also plans on using his demon slaves to take over the Smash heroes' bodies instead of turning them into trophies. He was usually Tabuu's rival before the events in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He also has the ability to transform into anybody, including the Smashers. (similar to PROXY's ability)
  • Zorm is the leader of the Demon Army and the final boss of Super Smash Bros. Smash Wars's Adventure Mode. He plans to use his demon soldiers to turn the World of Trophies into the World of Doom. He also plans on using his demon slaves to take over the Smash heroes' bodies instead of turning them into trophies. He was usually Tabuu's rival before the events in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He also has the ability to transform into anybody, including the Smashers. (similar to PROXY's ability)