  • Jax Pavan 244,499,743
  • Jax Pavan 244,499,743 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant. He worked for Coruscant's Darth-Mart as part of the "Can I help you?" service, which just proves to you how desperate the guy was. Though he worked for part of the Sith Empire (no pun intended), he was not a Sith. Therefore he was subjected to lots of abuse from his Sith coworkers.
  • Jax Pavan 244,499,743 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant. He worked for Coruscant's Darth-Mart as part of the "Can I help you?" service, which just proves to you how desperate the guy was. Though he worked for part of the Sith Empire (no pun intended), he was not a Sith. Therefore he was subjected to lots of abuse from his Sith coworkers.