  • Empire Wolfship
  • When grouped with others of it's kind, Wolfships are usually formed into small detachable fleets known as squadrons. A squadron of Wolfships is capable of moving with a drilled precision that lets it bring an enormous amount of firepower to bear on its target. Once the enemy is crippled, the Wolfship closes in and makes a boarding-action. Their gun-lined forecastles makes them particularly dangerous when doing this since the Wolfship can still fire their cannons at the decks of the enemy.[1b]
  • When grouped with others of it's kind, Wolfships are usually formed into small detachable fleets known as squadrons. A squadron of Wolfships is capable of moving with a drilled precision that lets it bring an enormous amount of firepower to bear on its target. Once the enemy is crippled, the Wolfship closes in and makes a boarding-action. Their gun-lined forecastles makes them particularly dangerous when doing this since the Wolfship can still fire their cannons at the decks of the enemy.[1b] Most Empire Wolfships are also manned with Drummers from the aftcastle, used to help beat the timing into their rowers. The terrifying sound of their drumming mingles with blast from the ships' brazen warhorns can easily unease the sailors of other, more civilized waters. All the din serves another purpose in letting the Wolfships know each other's position within the dense clouds of powder smoke once the cannonades begin.[1b]