  • 693
  • 693
  • 693
  • El seiscientos noventa y tres (693) es el número natural que sigue al 692 y precede al 694. Categoría:Números
  • Axel und Roman erleben unfreiwillig die berauschenden Nebenwirkungen von "Maximum". Zur gleichen Zeit entdeckt Maximilian das durch die Gesundheitsbehörde ausgesprochene Verkaufsverbot von "Maximum". Doch Simone ist nicht bereit, alles aufzugeben. Oliver kümmert sich um die aufgelöste Celine. Damit provoziert er jedoch einen weiteren Streit mit Juli. Während die Beziehung der beiden kriselt, weigert sich Mike, aus Angst vor dem Knast, die Polizei einzuschalten. Noch glaubt er, dass die Suche nach Bulle im Sand verlaufen wird. Doch das ist ein Irrtum. Das erneute Aufeinandertreffen zwischen Annette und Ingo hat alte Wunden und Fragen aufgerissen. Annette trifft eine Entscheidung und trennt sich von dem perfekten Leben mit dem perfekten Mann. Stattdessen will sie zurück ins Loft ziehen.
  • Chris has an angry discussion with Julia at the main house about his guilty feelings concerning Sabrina, and then storms out. Before Julia can catch her breath, Professor Stokes walks in and tells her she has to help him with an exorcism. Stokes yells out incantations from outside, throwing David back into hysteria. Eventually, David passes out and all the lights come back on and the storm stops. David wakes up all confused and Stokes goes to his room.
  • 693
  • 1969-02-13
  • 684
  • 1969
  • 1969-02-19
  • 693
  • Chris has an angry discussion with Julia at the main house about his guilty feelings concerning Sabrina, and then storms out. Before Julia can catch her breath, Professor Stokes walks in and tells her she has to help him with an exorcism. He says he'll go outside the house but before long, he jerks open the secret passageway in the drawing room to reveal David eavesdropping on him. Stokes knew someone was using the secret panel recently, so he cleverly scattered sugar at the area between the door and the base of the stairs. With one crack was enough to tell that someone happened to be in there. David tries to bluff it out, but Stokes persists in thinly veiled metaphors about possessing and destroying objects until he looks like he might crack... and then clams up. Stokes then begins to declare that the ghost is in the room with them, but David denies it hysterically, until he gives himself away by trying to plead with Quentin. Stokes tells him he must cooperate with him before he becomes permanently possessed. Carolyn sits in the garden when Chris comes by and briefly tells her he's leaving Collinsport and is sorry it didn't work out between them. They both declare that they love each other, but he won't tell her why he's leaving and she storms off. Julia comes across him and tells him he has to stay for Carolyn or at least, for Amy. She then explains the whole possession thing and he is stunned that no one ever told him anything before. He agrees to stay. Professor Stokes comes into the drawing room to find Carolyn and tells her to go get David. Julia walks up and Stokes tells her to keep David inside and watch him carefully for signs of success or failure. Carolyn comes down with David and the creepy Quentin music starts playing, as a storm starts and a window blows open. The lights go out and Stokes leaves to go perform the exorcism. Stokes yells out incantations from outside, throwing David back into hysteria. Eventually, David passes out and all the lights come back on and the storm stops. David wakes up all confused and Stokes goes to his room. In his room, Stokes smokes a cigarette and then gets up to look in the mirror and sees... Quentin. Quentin laughs his creepy laugh at him, and when Stokes turns around, his room is on fire, with his door locked from the outside.
  • El seiscientos noventa y tres (693) es el número natural que sigue al 692 y precede al 694. Categoría:Números
  • Axel und Roman erleben unfreiwillig die berauschenden Nebenwirkungen von "Maximum". Zur gleichen Zeit entdeckt Maximilian das durch die Gesundheitsbehörde ausgesprochene Verkaufsverbot von "Maximum". Doch Simone ist nicht bereit, alles aufzugeben. Oliver kümmert sich um die aufgelöste Celine. Damit provoziert er jedoch einen weiteren Streit mit Juli. Während die Beziehung der beiden kriselt, weigert sich Mike, aus Angst vor dem Knast, die Polizei einzuschalten. Noch glaubt er, dass die Suche nach Bulle im Sand verlaufen wird. Doch das ist ein Irrtum. Das erneute Aufeinandertreffen zwischen Annette und Ingo hat alte Wunden und Fragen aufgerissen. Annette trifft eine Entscheidung und trennt sich von dem perfekten Leben mit dem perfekten Mann. Stattdessen will sie zurück ins Loft ziehen.
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