  • Nerd's Disease
  • Nerd's Disease was a disorder first attributed to Darth Nerd moments before the attending physician was choked to death by the Sith Lord. The disorder is congenital, as well as progressive in nature, and thought to be caused by a genetic mutation which occurs only when the mother and father are doing it while watching anything relating to Star Wars or Star Trek. One such victim was thought to be the Hoffinator. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • Nerd's Disease was a disorder first attributed to Darth Nerd moments before the attending physician was choked to death by the Sith Lord. The disorder is congenital, as well as progressive in nature, and thought to be caused by a genetic mutation which occurs only when the mother and father are doing it while watching anything relating to Star Wars or Star Trek. One such victim was thought to be the Hoffinator. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.