  • Funny Background Event
  • The humorous counterpart to the Meaningful Background Event, and sometimes overlaps with Distant Reaction Shot. Sometimes, a scene contains something funny going on in the background. Very often it is used during a conversation and if you are paying too much attention to the foreground, you may even miss the scene, especially if (as is often the case) the characters are looking away from it. The event can contain simple slapstick humor, or be an inside gag. It doesn't have to be subtle, sometimes it is obvious while the conversation is unimportant. The important thing is, that it is played in the background and is at least somewhat funny or cool.
  • The humorous counterpart to the Meaningful Background Event, and sometimes overlaps with Distant Reaction Shot. Sometimes, a scene contains something funny going on in the background. Very often it is used during a conversation and if you are paying too much attention to the foreground, you may even miss the scene, especially if (as is often the case) the characters are looking away from it. The event can contain simple slapstick humor, or be an inside gag. It doesn't have to be subtle, sometimes it is obvious while the conversation is unimportant. The important thing is, that it is played in the background and is at least somewhat funny or cool. Despite the name, sometimes this can actually be in the foreground, but the important point is that the audience has their attention directed elsewhere. Occasionally, this might be a result of Artificial Atmospheric Actions. Examples of Funny Background Event include: