  • Signatures
  • When posting in the forum or on talk pages, you can sign your posts. For help on how to sign your posts, read on. Signing your posts on talk pages and on the forum help to identify who posted what. Posting signatures help other users to identify the author of a comment, to navigate talk pages, and so on. Discussion is important in wikis as it helps other users to understand the progress that's going on.
  • Signatures are put at the end of comments made on talk pages to tell the users who wrote the message. A signature is left using four tildes (~~~~). It is required for users to put a signature at the end of their message so that the corresponding user may be contacted if needed. Signatures are also fully customizable, anything you can do with coding you can do with your signature. However, most users do not like signatures that take up more then four lines, as this makes it really hard to add to a long discussion when editing the page.
  • Daedelus Sertan
  • When posting in the forum or on Talk pages, you can sign your posts. For help on how to sign your posts, read on. Signing your posts on talk pages and on the forum help to identify who posted what. Posting signatures help other users to identify the author of a comment, to navigate talk pages, and so on. Discussion is important in wikis as it helps other users to understand the progress that's going on.
  • When posting in the forum or on talk pages, you can sign your posts. For help on how to sign your posts, read on. Signing your posts on talk pages and on the forum help to identify who posted what. Posting signatures help other users to identify the author of a comment, to navigate talk pages, and so on. Discussion is important in wikis as it helps other users to understand the progress that's going on.
  • Signatures are put at the end of comments made on talk pages to tell the users who wrote the message. A signature is left using four tildes (~~~~). It is required for users to put a signature at the end of their message so that the corresponding user may be contacted if needed. Signatures are also fully customizable, anything you can do with coding you can do with your signature. However, most users do not like signatures that take up more then four lines, as this makes it really hard to add to a long discussion when editing the page.
  • Daedelus Sertan
  • When posting in the forum or on Talk pages, you can sign your posts. For help on how to sign your posts, read on. Signing your posts on talk pages and on the forum help to identify who posted what. Posting signatures help other users to identify the author of a comment, to navigate talk pages, and so on. Discussion is important in wikis as it helps other users to understand the progress that's going on.