  • Annon Wain
  • "In the wilderlands of the western provinces, corrupt names such as "Annogwain" have sprung up everywhere, like mushrooms in a cow-pasture. Ihe rustics seem unable to comprehend the rules, as simple as they are, whereby one modifies the initial consonant of a Sindarin adjective as his Majesty can plainly see, Annogwain should properly be "Annon Wain" "New Gate", with the correctly modified form of "gwain" 'new' in secondary position. We might suppose that Anno-' 'gate' in Annogwain was formed on analogy with the far older name Annon Drúin "Gate of the Wild Men", a town further downstream." -Findegil
  • "In the wilderlands of the western provinces, corrupt names such as "Annogwain" have sprung up everywhere, like mushrooms in a cow-pasture. Ihe rustics seem unable to comprehend the rules, as simple as they are, whereby one modifies the initial consonant of a Sindarin adjective as his Majesty can plainly see, Annogwain should properly be "Annon Wain" "New Gate", with the correctly modified form of "gwain" 'new' in secondary position. We might suppose that Anno-' 'gate' in Annogwain was formed on analogy with the far older name Annon Drúin "Gate of the Wild Men", a town further downstream." -Findegil Annon Wain in Ihe upper Lefnui valley was a local center. To the north there were a large number of mines, most of whose' ore was shipped from Annon Wain down the river to Annúlond.There were also some lumber industries close to Annon Wain ,supplying the tall firs growing in the Ered Nimrais to the Gondorian navy.The town had few places of note.Some local merchants had houses larger than normal; otherwise it had mostly small, simple dwellings. There were also a few large warehouses down by the wharf. The population was around 2,500.