  • Revenge of the King
  • Many of the enemies in this game have been replaced by stronger and/or faster counterparts who have more stamina. While the replacements are significantly stronger and violent, they have the same overall behavior as the enemies that they replace. Many of the replaced enemies originate from the Extra Game in Kirby's Dream Land. Many Waddle Dees also now wield spears.
jap name
  • 大王の逆襲
  • Mode
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra screenshot
  • C
jap meaning
  • means "The Great King Strikes Back"
  • Many of the enemies in this game have been replaced by stronger and/or faster counterparts who have more stamina. While the replacements are significantly stronger and violent, they have the same overall behavior as the enemies that they replace. Many of the replaced enemies originate from the Extra Game in Kirby's Dream Land. Many Waddle Dees also now wield spears. * Bronto Burt is replaced by Koozer * Poppy Bros. Jr. is replaced by Perot * Cappy is replaced by Poison Mash * Blade Knight is replaced by Sword Knight * Twizzy is replaced by Croucars * Grizzo is replaced by Galbel * Lovely is replaced by Rosely * Squishy is replaced by Flotzo * Kabu is replaced by Grumples * Shotzo is replaced by Blatzy * Tookey is replaced by Cawcun * Scarfy is replaced by Mad Apple * Poppy Bros. Sr. is replaced by Phan Phan * Mr. Frosty is replaced by Fire Lion * Bonkers is replaced by Grand Wheelie * Also, Mr. Tick-Tock has been added in.