  • Druid races
  • Druid races
  • Night elven druidic traditions extend back further than most races have existed. The demigod Cenarius taught the druidic arts to the kaldorei early in their history, and the most devout of night elf druids honor and pass on his original teachings. A few were there when Cenarius provided his tutelage and learned directly from the demigod. The iconic night elf druid is a spiritual creature with powers that tap into worlds beyond most mortal knowledge. Green energy plays around his feet, and he moves unhindered through secret forest paths. Night elf druids have always guarded their people against the Burning Legion, and over the ages they developed methods to strike past the demons’ defenses.
  • Night elven druidic traditions extend back further than most races have existed. The demigod Cenarius taught the druidic arts to the kaldorei early in their history, and the most devout of night elf druids honor and pass on his original teachings. A few were there when Cenarius provided his tutelage and learned directly from the demigod. The iconic night elf druid is a spiritual creature with powers that tap into worlds beyond most mortal knowledge. Green energy plays around his feet, and he moves unhindered through secret forest paths. Night elf druids have always guarded their people against the Burning Legion, and over the ages they developed methods to strike past the demons’ defenses. Night elf druids claim that they can still hear the voice of Cenarius, warning them when danger is imminent and giving them gentle urgings as to the best way to avoid attacks. Perhaps this voice is nature itself, protecting those who protect it. The night elf druid can drop into a deep slumber. While hibernating, he does not need to eat or drink, and he barely needs to breathe — others must be careful to determine that he still lives. When the druid enters hibernation, any poisons working within him are suspended, and he does not bleed. His breathing is so shallow that he does not suffer effects from inhaled toxins or other dangers, and he can survive for a year on the amount of air he would normally need in a day. He heals at twice the normal rate. When the night elf druid enters hibernation, he sets the conditions to awaken. He can choose a specific amount of time (“twenty-four hours”) or some other event, such as, “When the sun strikes my eyes” or “When I hear the call of the horn of Cenarius.” (APG 22, 23)