  • Eilo
  • Eilo was a female Caeliar who lived in the city ship of Kintana on Erigol. There she served as research partner to Auceo and worked on that city's Great Work apparatus. Eilo was present at the apparatus in 2168 when the Columbia MACOs revolted against their imprisonment, subverting the piece at Mantilis and destroying the city of Feiran. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night)
  • Eilo was a female Caeliar who lived in the city ship of Kintana on Erigol. There she served as research partner to Auceo and worked on that city's Great Work apparatus. Eilo was present at the apparatus in 2168 when the Columbia MACOs revolted against their imprisonment, subverting the piece at Mantilis and destroying the city of Feiran. (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night)