  • Jelarkan
  • Jelarkan was the 22 year old Prince of Capustan. He ruled his city in a coalition with the Mask Council and was commander of the Capanthall, the city's garrison. Jelarkan's lined, drawn face could have belonged to a man of forty. His shaved pate revealed a "scatter of moles that marked his royal line, as if he had been sprayed in blood that had since dried and grown dark". He had elegant, long-fingered hands and brown eyes. He wore a belted robe and a circlet of cold-hammered copper as his crown.
  • Jelarkan was the 22 year old Prince of Capustan. He ruled his city in a coalition with the Mask Council and was commander of the Capanthall, the city's garrison. Jelarkan's lined, drawn face could have belonged to a man of forty. His shaved pate revealed a "scatter of moles that marked his royal line, as if he had been sprayed in blood that had since dried and grown dark". He had elegant, long-fingered hands and brown eyes. He wore a belted robe and a circlet of cold-hammered copper as his crown.