  • Giant Spore
  • Giant Spores are semi-intelligent lighter-than-air plants that drift through the skies above Aegrus. Their forms consist of a spherical pod with a ventral aperture on their underside. A trio of long fins protrude from their sides, affording them a limited degree of locomotion, both to adjust their altitude and direction.
  • *Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
  • Borderlands 2
Character Type
  • Enemy
  • *Giant Spores are considered badass enemies. When becoming hostile, they may trigger character responses. *The rare Slagged Spores are one of the targets for the mission I Like My Monsters Rare.
  • Spore
  • There are five varieties of Giant Spore that appear throughout various areas of Aegrus: Giant Corrosive Spore, Giant Explosive Spore, Giant Incendiary Spore, Giant Shock Spore, and the rarer Slagged Spore, each of which are distinguishable by causing damage appropriate to and the color of their respective element. If Giant Spores are left ignored they are not hostile, although they will immediately become hostile to anything that harms them. In the event they sustain damage, they will pursue the target that hurt them, ejecting slow-moving small spores from their ventral aperture that act as homing bombs of their same element. Upon their death, they harmlessly detonate, releasing four of these homing small spores as a final attack.