  • Encourage him to write a factual essay
  • From: [[]] It will be good practice. Jasper and Frank want him to be able to keep detailed records. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Apt and pithy
Failure title
  • A jumble of rage
Failure description
  • Lyme hands you a piece of paper. He's looking shy. When you unfold it, you don't find the promised piece on […] Docks. Instead it's an incoherent, ranting tirade against the Masters. The content is dangerous, but the spelling and grammar are worse[…]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Set Lyme to writing
Success description
  • Lyme produces a grubby piece of paper, smeared but legible. It's a piece entitled The Economy of Wolfstack Docks. There are a few errors here[…]but overall, it's an achievement[…] He does demonstrate quite a bias towards the dock workers, though.
  • 12
  • 12
  • It will be good practice. Jasper and Frank want him to be able to keep detailed records.
  • From: [[]] It will be good practice. Jasper and Frank want him to be able to keep detailed records. [Find the rest of the story at ]