  • Chuck's Apartment
  • The apartment is located in Echo Park, Burbank, Los Angeles County, California.It is known to have an open plan kitchen/living room and two bedrooms, with Chuck's bedroom a particularly important location; his window, which is refered to as the 'Morgan Door', is often used to gain entry by Morgan, Casey and Sarah. After Sarah and Chuck begin dating exclusively in Season Three, Sarah begins staying overnight at the apartment. Although initially reluctant to move in when Chuck asks her, Sarah agrees by the end of "Chuck Versus the Role Models" and is seen living at the apartment since.
  • The apartment is located in Echo Park, Burbank, Los Angeles County, California.It is known to have an open plan kitchen/living room and two bedrooms, with Chuck's bedroom a particularly important location; his window, which is refered to as the 'Morgan Door', is often used to gain entry by Morgan, Casey and Sarah. Up until the episode "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip" the apartment was home to Chuck, Ellie and Devon, and is the location of many events throughout the series. During "Chuck Versus the Pink Slip", Ellie and Devon decide that now they are married they should have their own place, and decide to move out to the apartment across the courtyard, leaving Chuck the apartment. Chuck asks Morgan to be his room mate which he agrees to, having wanted to be room mates since the second season. After Morgan moves in, noticeable changes are made; Chuck's guitar is moved downstairs and video games equipment is left in prominent positions (such as a Forza Motorsport 3 racing chair). After Sarah and Chuck begin dating exclusively in Season Three, Sarah begins staying overnight at the apartment. Although initially reluctant to move in when Chuck asks her, Sarah agrees by the end of "Chuck Versus the Role Models" and is seen living at the apartment since. In "Chuck Versus the Masquerade", Morgan decides to leave Chuck's apartment due to Chuck and Sarah's engagement and realizes he would become bothersome for them.