  • Carnivorous Chrysanthemum
  • Carnivorous Crysanthemum is a Margaret that has a mouth at the base of the flower (the round fuzzy thingy). It eats Pikmin as they walk by. One of the captains has to uproot it (Pikmin cant attack it when it is ingrained) by tapping the normal uproot button rapidly. When it is uprooted, it grows limbs and walks around like the Homo Sapiens of Super Paper Mario. Now a Pikmin can attack it. It dies easily and leaves a small seed that you can barely see. You can not mess around with the seed. Later a new Carnivorous Crysanthemum grows and the cycle repeats.
  • Carnivorous Crysanthemum is a Margaret that has a mouth at the base of the flower (the round fuzzy thingy). It eats Pikmin as they walk by. One of the captains has to uproot it (Pikmin cant attack it when it is ingrained) by tapping the normal uproot button rapidly. When it is uprooted, it grows limbs and walks around like the Homo Sapiens of Super Paper Mario. Now a Pikmin can attack it. It dies easily and leaves a small seed that you can barely see. You can not mess around with the seed. Later a new Carnivorous Crysanthemum grows and the cycle repeats.