  • Back Pressure/Plot Details
  • ...
  • Yup!
  • In that case, the ring belongs to you now!
  • Nice choice. Is that your final answer?
  • I've got 40 different rings for you to choose from, so take your time. There's no hurry. What would you like to see?
  • Great job, [name]! The whole Town is pretty pleased with you right now.
  • me these rings, please: [one of the categories from above].
  • ...!!!
  • Yup. Nothing but happy, legs-uncrossed sorts of people up here now. Right, Margaret?
  • Well done, [name]! Leon says we've already got more guards than we can manage, or I'd offer to deputize you on the spot!
  • Explosively. Is that enough detail?
  • Hey there. I'm busy. You should talk to Margaret.
  • Hmmm...let me look at the options again.
  • It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it!
  • Margaret?
  • My choice is... [ring]
  • Now, I know you're not done yet.
  • I'll let Elizabeth tell you. You should head back to her now. She's got something for you.
  • You bet. What would you like?
  • Sure would. Maybe another time. But great job cleaning up the Sewers! I'm sure you'll be a credit to Barton Town now and in the future! Let me get you a nice reward for your efforts!
  • ha! Gotcha! It's like talking to a wall!
  • hahaha...erk. What?!?
  • Good. Those gramsters are too smart for their own good. They keep messing with the sewer pipe valves down there, and when they shut things down, well...we get a lot back pressure up here.
  • I need you to get down there, find the three main sewage valves and open them up so the...err, contents...start flowing again.
  • Yup. Every sink, every drain, and every toilet just stops working. And if we don't get things unplugged quickly, then thing start to get really nasty.
  • I know, I know. It kills me everytime. I'm such a riot.
  • hehehe. Yup. You passed this test with flying colors, [name]. Elizabeth will be pleased.
  • Hmmm, I'll end up paying *somehow* if Nicu sent you. But yeah, I have a task that needs doing. Pretty urgently, actually.
  • Nico sent you? Hmmmm...what's he trying to bilk me out of now?
  • You use the passcard to open the manhole, and then climb down the ladder... Once you twist the valve, you can feel the rumble of fluid passing through the system again. That was the last valve! The town is saved from a very messy end! The exit ladder has been marked on your PDA Map. You climb up the ladder and out into Barton Town. :[ If choosing the wrong escape latter ] You can tell from here that the manhole at the top is sealed. No exit here!
  • Great! I'll send your PDA the manhole location and also send you the valve locations once you get into the Sewers.
  • It concerns all of us, actually. By now, you must know that there are critters down there in the Sewers.
  • Nope. If it wasn't for the Gramsters down there, anyone could do it. Interested in helping out?
  • Please do, or Margaret might finally make a sound, but not one we want to hear.
  • James
  • Elizabeth
  • Margaret
  • notice
  • James
  • Elizabeth
  • Margaret