  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • Level 7 Nightmare 324 HP This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • W 1912 roku w wypadku związanym z Mandragorami zginęła Minister Magii Venusia Crickerly. Podczas Bitwy o Hogwart wykorzystywane były w walce ze Śmierciożercami.
  • Mandragora is the scientific name for the Mandrake plant. They are a member of the Nightshade family and for centuries the resemblance of their roots to humans has been noted. Mandragora has been widely used for the alkaloids in them, which served as an early form of anasthetic. In Medieval times, it was used to make love potions and its fruit was supposed to help promote pregnancy. Folklore said when the plant was pulled from the ground, it made a scream like that of a person. Mandragora in other folklore were small dolls or figures given to sorcerers by the Devil to act as familiars for them, or small humanoid creatures animated by alchemists to act as lab assistants.
  • Mandragora sind pflanzenähnliche Geschöpfe, welche auf Draenor heimisch sind.
  • Rons familj odlar det i kråkboet. mandragoran är en dödlig växt om man hör des skrik; i andr boken lär harry och han klass kamrater sig om mandragoraan. och ,med hjälp kan dom åter uppliva dom för stenade.
  • Rons familj odlar det i kråkboet. mandragoran är en dödlig växt om man hör des skrik; i andr boken lär harry och han klass kamrater sig om mandragoraan. och ,med hjälp kan dom åter uppliva dom för stenade.
  • Mandragora root is prized as the ingredient in a variety of medicines, but the scream it emits when uprooted is so terrifying that even the most fearless dies of shock. This folk is available with Ellen and Keats and can be acquired from the HellRealm.
  • Mandragora (ang. Man-Drake). Kategoria:Smoki
  • Mandragoras are little figures or dolls, used by sorcerers as familiar Demons. Despite being just figurines, they are capable of movement, indicating that they are either animated, or made of living material. For the concept of Random Kingdom, it is assumed they are made of living wood, and are hence plantoid creatures.
  • Mandragora are an enemy appearing in Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.
  • Mandragora, to wrocławskie wydawnictwo komiksowe, założone przez Przemysława Wróbla. Jego celem było wydawanie tanio komiksów i dotarcie z nimi do czytlenika. Poza przedrukami amerykańskich, europejskich czy japońskich serii, wydają także autorską "Serię z Wróblem", o tematyce religijnej oraz o historii Polski. Tuż przed premierą Zemsty Sithów Mandragora zaczęła wydawać komiksy z cyklu Gwiezdne wojny. Niestety przygoda z Gwiezdnymi wojnami zakończyła się dla wydawnictwa na początku 2006 roku z powodu niezadowalającej sprzedaży. W 2008 roku wydawnictwo zawiesiło działalność.
  • Wydaje komiksy amerykańskie, japońskie (manga), koreańskie (manhwa) i polskie. Tytuły z jego oferty to Spawn, Punisher, 100 naboi, Transmetropolitan, Usagi Yojimbo, 48 stron, Mikropolis, 'Nadzwyczajni, Star Wars, Samotny wilk i szczenię, Vagabond, Essential. Znane polskim fanon Obcych z polskich parodii publikowanych w komiksach z serii 48 stron: Owcy 2 - Decydujące żarcie i Gołota versus Predator.
  • Mandragora este aliata Vrăjitoarelor Ancestrale şi antagonista primului film, Winx Club I: Secretul regatului pierdut.
  • Mandragora is the main antagonist of "The Secret of the Lost Kingdom". The Ancestral Witches transferred their power to her to free them. She is the Keeper of The Obsidian Circle, the portal to Obsidian, but she was corrupted by the dimension's darkness and locked inside as well. She is now the horrible witch at the service of the three ancestors, her wickedness is not less than to that of her masters. Mandragora's goal is to find the source of the Dragon Fire, then destroy it.
  • Mandragora's moeten regelmatig verpot worden, zodat ze niet in een te kleine pot zitten. Dit zou hun groei kunnen belemmeren. Verpotten is overigens een lastig karweitje, omdat Mandragora's van nature niet erg meewerkend zijn. Handschoenen zijn hierbij geen overbodige luxe, en oorwarmers zijn dus echt noodzakelijk. In de winter is het bij strenge vorst van belang dat de Mandragora's goed tegen de kou beschermd worden. Het kan dan nuttig zijn om ze sokken en sjaals om te doen die hen beschermen tegen het koude weer. Mocht een van de Mandragora's toch verkouden worden, dan is het verstandig om deze plant apart te zetten zodat hij anderen niet aan kan steken. Meestal genezen de Mandragora's wel van een verkoudheid, maar ze groeien een stuk minder snel.
  • Mandragora's moeten regelmatig verpot worden, zodat ze niet in een te kleine pot zitten. Dit zou hun groei kunnen belemmeren. Verpotten is overigens een lastig karweitje, omdat Mandragora's van nature niet erg meewerkend zijn. Handschoenen zijn hierbij geen overbodige luxe, en oorwarmers zijn dus echt noodzakelijk. In de winter is het bij strenge vorst van belang dat de Mandragora's goed tegen de kou beschermd worden. Het kan dan nuttig zijn om ze sokken en sjaals om te doen die hen beschermen tegen het koude weer. Mocht een van de Mandragora's toch verkouden worden, dan is het verstandig om deze plant apart te zetten zodat hij anderen niet aan kan steken. Meestal genezen de Mandragora's wel van een verkoudheid, maar ze groeien een stuk minder snel.
  • Mandragoras are soil-dwelling, plant-type monster girls. They don't go around actively raping humans, but rather use a combination of an attractive fragrance and a psychoactive scream to induce men to rape them. In the Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide II: Demon Realm Traveller's Guide there is a whole section on mandragora's roots, which can be painlessly harvested to use as an ingredient in cooking and aphrodisiac potions. Mandragoras also like having these roots sucked by their husband, so they're good for root fetishists.
  • Mandragora est un modèle spécial de Vaisseau Gummi apparaissant dans .
  • Draenei explorers have not yet determined if these multi-headed plant beasts are a natural species, or if they are created by the botani to defend their lands. These enormous, mindless creatures should only be engaged with extreme care, as each of a mandragora’s multiple heads are lined with serrated teeth, and the heads that aren’t busy chomping adventurers assault them with toxic spit or poisonous breath. Be wary of these foes when trekking through Draenor’s many overgrown jungles or bodies of stagnant water.
  • Although Mandragora stays in the same place, it can attack passersby from a distance using underground stalks.
  • Volk Naturelementare Volk Pflanzen Art Zugehörigkeit mglw. Botani Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Spitzen von Arak Gebiet Draenor Status Level Stufe Die Mandragora bewohnen in der World of Warcraft-Erweiterung Warlords of Draenor u.a. die Spitzen von Arak auf Draenor.
  • Mandragora is the main antagonist of the first Winx Club movie The Secret of the Lost Kingdom. She is the Keeper of The Obsidian Circle, the portal to Obsidian, but corrupted by the dimension's darkness and locked inside as well. She is now the horrible witch at the service of the three ancestors, her wickedness is not less than to that of her masters.
  • Mandragoras are plant creatures that actually run around. When a Mandragora is nearby the character will hear a squeaking noise; all the character has to do is jump on the ground in that spot and the mandragora will jump out and start to run away. In order to catch one, the character must strike it once and then pick it up. There are five different Mandragoras: Onionne, Carroteer, Turny, Cubsbane and Haneberisto.
  • Episode 59 of Robin & Batgirl. Martian Manhunter gathered Robin,Batgirl,Green Arrow,Batwoman,Fire,and Question in the Mini-Watchtower.He told them to go on patrol in stopping Steven Mandragora.The heroes now went into a ship and went to Earth.In Earth,they went to a city,filled with gangsters.There,they landed their ship.When,they got off,they saw Calendar Man,The Brand,King Cobra,and Sweet Tooth.They fought and defeated them.After that,they saw Tobias Whale and Edgar Mandragora.When they are about to fight,Rupert Thorne and a group of Serial Killers came.They took them out,then,Tobias Whale and Edgar Mandragora got away.While the heroes are walking,Fire and Question are exchanging flirts with each other.Then,they saw Steven Mandragora's car.When the heroes quickly ran,his two bodyguards s
  • Mandragora are plants in Haunting Ground that Daniella personally tends to in her private section of the greenhouse room. Keeping in line with classic alchemy and folklore, the mandragora utter an unearthly shriek, which raises Fiona Belli's panic. If Fiona attempts to hide while carrying a mandragora, the mandragora will scream and send Fiona into an instant panic.
  • 2
  • 8
  • 13
  • 33
  • 13
  • 29
  • 30
art 8 br
  • 45
  • 52
  • 59
  • 66
  • 73
  • 9
  • capture
  • Medicinal Mandragora Seedling
  • kill
  • Anthrovore Moss
  • Faerie Herb
  • Glowfly
  • after Wyrmskeep
  • Anthrovore Moss
  • capture
  • Glowfly
  • capture
  • Ailanthus Branch
  • Curebulb
  • Medicinal Mandragora Seedling
  • capture
  • Fruit of Knowledge
  • Surgill Bulb
  • Medicinal Mandragora Seedling
Row 9 info
Row 8 info
Row 4 info
  • Feminin
Battle Start
  • I'm scared! Boo-hoo!!!
Row 10 title
  • Voce
  • y
Row 7 title
  • Origine
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
  • y
skill lv
  • All enemies' DEF 25% down / 15% chance
  • All enemies' DEF 25% down / 10% chance
  • y
  • Draenor
Row 1 info
  • Mandragora
Row 8 title
  • Debut
pc value
  • 5105.0
Row 4 title
  • Gen
Row 9 title
  • Ultima apariţie
  • y
  • 0
  • Transmutateur x2
  • Autorécup. x2
Row 2 info
  • Păstrătoarea Cercului Obsidian
Row 6 info
  • Magie neagră şi controlul insectelor
  • Pflanzen
Row 1 title
  • Nume
  • 3
  • n
  • 1015
Row 5 info
  • Naturelementare
Row 2 title
  • Titlu
Row 6 title
  • Puteri şi abilităţi
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
low mp
  • none
  • Feindlich
friendship max
  • I promise not to cry, sniffle...
  • P-please, take me with you.
art 2 br
  • 43
  • 58
  • 71
  • 1099
low hp
  • 85
Row 10 info
  • Carolyn Lawrence
  • Cinzia De Carolis
art 3 br
  • 10
  • 25
  • 39
  • sword
Row 5 title
  • Afiliaţi
friendship event
  • I may be a crybaby, but I
  • I promise to try hard if you
  • let me stay! ...Boo-hoo!!!
  • want to help you!
battle end
  • Lemme alone! Boo-hoo!!!
Row 3 info
  • Vrăjitoare
  • R
Row 3 title
  • Clasă
art 4 br
  • 16
  • 66
  • 79
art 5 br
  • 34
  • 42
  • 49
  • 56
  • 63
  • mglw. Botani
Row 7 info
  • Obsidian
  • Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! I thought
  • you weren't coming back!
art 1 br
  • 16
  • 46
  • 61
puissance FM
  • 8
  • 1
  • 8
  • Earth
  • Light
  • CR 4
  • Mandragora
  • Attack, Poison Pollen, Screech
  • Timid
  • Witches' Magic
  • Insects Controlling
  • 1
  • 6
  • 9
  • 84
  • Plains, forests
  • Payon Forest, Geffen fields, Maple Forest
  • Darken Forest
  • Yvalock's Nest
  • Mandragora
  • Mandragora
  • マンドラゴラ
  • Mandragora
  • Plant
  • Yes
  • 4493.0
  • Cinzia De Carolis
  • A captured Mandragora can be sold at a high price and is best used for dolma.
  • 16
  • Sniffle... Wh-who're you?
  • 250
  • Cold or temperate forest
  • Keeper of The Obsidian Circle
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
  • Phantasmal Wail
  • Normal
  • Witch
  • Plantae
  • The sound of this timid crybaby weeping causes hallucinations in all who hear.
  • 28
  • 34
  • 37
  • Large Anthrovore Arm
  • Ailanthus Branch
  • Anthrovore Moss
  • Amourose
  • Boo-hoo! P-please, don't hurt
  • me! I promise I'll be good!
  • Spitzen von Arak
  • 550
  • Men's semen, nutrients from the earth
  • Female
  • 42
  • 67
  • 100
  • Anthrovore
  • Bone
  • Poison Gas
  • Life Spring
  • Paralyze Gas
  • Wind-up Punch
  • Dispirit
  • Silent Gas
  • Smoke Canister
  • Stench
  • Black Out
  • 300
  • Mandragora.jpg
  • Medium
wikipage disambiguates
Weiterführende Links
high hp
  • 105
  • 12
split 3 note
  • 20.0
art 7 br
  • 45
  • 52
  • 59
  • 66
  • 73
  • Anthrovore Trunk
  • Anthrovore Mane
split 1 note
  • 30.0
split 4 note
  • 20.0
art 6 br
  • 45
  • 52
  • 59
  • 66
  • 73
split 2 note
  • 10.0
art 9 br
  • 60
  • 67
  • 74
  • 81
  • 89
  • Melodee M. Spevack
mobilité FM
  • 15
  • 45
hp FM
  • 990
  • Level 7 Nightmare 324 HP This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • W 1912 roku w wypadku związanym z Mandragorami zginęła Minister Magii Venusia Crickerly. Podczas Bitwy o Hogwart wykorzystywane były w walce ze Śmierciożercami.
  • Mandragora is the scientific name for the Mandrake plant. They are a member of the Nightshade family and for centuries the resemblance of their roots to humans has been noted. Mandragora has been widely used for the alkaloids in them, which served as an early form of anasthetic. In Medieval times, it was used to make love potions and its fruit was supposed to help promote pregnancy. Folklore said when the plant was pulled from the ground, it made a scream like that of a person. Mandragora in other folklore were small dolls or figures given to sorcerers by the Devil to act as familiars for them, or small humanoid creatures animated by alchemists to act as lab assistants.
  • Mandragora sind pflanzenähnliche Geschöpfe, welche auf Draenor heimisch sind.
  • Mandragora are plants in Haunting Ground that Daniella personally tends to in her private section of the greenhouse room. Keeping in line with classic alchemy and folklore, the mandragora utter an unearthly shriek, which raises Fiona Belli's panic. If Fiona attempts to hide while carrying a mandragora, the mandragora will scream and send Fiona into an instant panic. There are various colors, including white, red, purple, yellow and blue. Fiona eventually takes a white one and gives it to a monstrous-like hand in the cemetery. The mandragora is devoured by the creature and the creature disappears, allowing Fiona to travel underground. Originally, the Mandragora was a fusion of plant and animal created to produce large amount of blood required to complete The Grand Process. Multiple Mandragoras were created in an order to produce the needed liquid composition, but only the Hebel combination seemed to produce the right liquid. In current research, the creator's subject was identical to a real Mandragora. The only way to separate the real one from the substitutes are the flower color and the ever so-faint essence, only detectable by animals.
  • Rons familj odlar det i kråkboet. mandragoran är en dödlig växt om man hör des skrik; i andr boken lär harry och han klass kamrater sig om mandragoraan. och ,med hjälp kan dom åter uppliva dom för stenade.
  • Rons familj odlar det i kråkboet. mandragoran är en dödlig växt om man hör des skrik; i andr boken lär harry och han klass kamrater sig om mandragoraan. och ,med hjälp kan dom åter uppliva dom för stenade.
  • Mandragora root is prized as the ingredient in a variety of medicines, but the scream it emits when uprooted is so terrifying that even the most fearless dies of shock. This folk is available with Ellen and Keats and can be acquired from the HellRealm.
  • Mandragora (ang. Man-Drake). Kategoria:Smoki
  • Mandragoras are little figures or dolls, used by sorcerers as familiar Demons. Despite being just figurines, they are capable of movement, indicating that they are either animated, or made of living material. For the concept of Random Kingdom, it is assumed they are made of living wood, and are hence plantoid creatures.
  • Mandragora are an enemy appearing in Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.
  • Episode 59 of Robin & Batgirl. Martian Manhunter gathered Robin,Batgirl,Green Arrow,Batwoman,Fire,and Question in the Mini-Watchtower.He told them to go on patrol in stopping Steven Mandragora.The heroes now went into a ship and went to Earth.In Earth,they went to a city,filled with gangsters.There,they landed their ship.When,they got off,they saw Calendar Man,The Brand,King Cobra,and Sweet Tooth.They fought and defeated them.After that,they saw Tobias Whale and Edgar Mandragora.When they are about to fight,Rupert Thorne and a group of Serial Killers came.They took them out,then,Tobias Whale and Edgar Mandragora got away.While the heroes are walking,Fire and Question are exchanging flirts with each other.Then,they saw Steven Mandragora's car.When the heroes quickly ran,his two bodyguards shot their shotguns at them.Robin had hit those shotguns with the explosive Batarangs.Then,Mandragora drove his car away.Then,they saw Owlman,Black Manta,Brain,Monsieur Mallah,Gorilla Grodd,Clock King,Gentleman Ghost,Doctor Polaris,and Joker.They fought them.Then,Owlman took out the heroes.He brought them to Steven Mandragora's hideout.The heroes later woke up,pinned to a wall with metal bars on their arms,legs,neck,chest,and stomach."Very clever of you heroes to figure out where I lived in",Mandragora said.Later,Question had freed himself,then,he freed the others.Now,they fought Mandragora's Bodyguards,Tobias Whale,Edgar Mandragora,and Owlman.After that,Steven Mandragora raised his arms."Any last words before you die?",asked Fire,as she turned into green fire and threatened the villains."Yes.Come forth!",Steven Mandragora yelled.Parts of the wall break,revealing Mandragora's Thug.Mandragora's Thug took out all of them.Now,Mandragora told his thug to bury the unconscious heroes.When they are about to be buried,Robin regained consciousness and took out the thug as well as Steven Mandragora.The other heroes rose up and regained consciousness.Now,the policemen came and arrested Steven Mandragora.The heroes went back to where the jet landed.Green Arrow,Batwoman,Fire,and Question used the ship to get back to the Mini-Watchtower.While Batman came to fetch Robin and Batgirl.Back in Gotham City,the heroes saw Tony Zucco running away with a woman's handbag.Tony Zucco stopped after seeing the Batmobile."Oh no",Tony Zucco said.Then,he was taken out and arrested. Characters:Martian Manhunter,Robin,Batgirl,Batwoman,Green Arrow,Fire,Question,Policemen,Batman Villains:Calendar Man,The Brand,King Cobra,Sweet Tooth,Rupert Thorne,Serial Killers,Tobias Whale,Edgar Mandragora,Mandragora's Bodyguards,Steven Mandragora,Black Manta,Brain,Monsieur Mallah,Gorilla Grodd,Clock King,Gentleman Ghost,Doctor Polaris,Joker,Owlman,Mandragora's Thug,Tony Zucco
  • Mandragora, to wrocławskie wydawnictwo komiksowe, założone przez Przemysława Wróbla. Jego celem było wydawanie tanio komiksów i dotarcie z nimi do czytlenika. Poza przedrukami amerykańskich, europejskich czy japońskich serii, wydają także autorską "Serię z Wróblem", o tematyce religijnej oraz o historii Polski. Tuż przed premierą Zemsty Sithów Mandragora zaczęła wydawać komiksy z cyklu Gwiezdne wojny. Niestety przygoda z Gwiezdnymi wojnami zakończyła się dla wydawnictwa na początku 2006 roku z powodu niezadowalającej sprzedaży. W 2008 roku wydawnictwo zawiesiło działalność.
  • Wydaje komiksy amerykańskie, japońskie (manga), koreańskie (manhwa) i polskie. Tytuły z jego oferty to Spawn, Punisher, 100 naboi, Transmetropolitan, Usagi Yojimbo, 48 stron, Mikropolis, 'Nadzwyczajni, Star Wars, Samotny wilk i szczenię, Vagabond, Essential. Znane polskim fanon Obcych z polskich parodii publikowanych w komiksach z serii 48 stron: Owcy 2 - Decydujące żarcie i Gołota versus Predator.
  • Mandragoras are plant creatures that actually run around. When a Mandragora is nearby the character will hear a squeaking noise; all the character has to do is jump on the ground in that spot and the mandragora will jump out and start to run away. In order to catch one, the character must strike it once and then pick it up. There are five different Mandragoras: Onionne, Carroteer, Turny, Cubsbane and Haneberisto. * Onionnes are yellow and look similar to real-life onions. They can be found almost everywhere, but especially in the Forest of Elrit and Ringford . * Carroteers are orange and look like carrots. They can usually be found in Ragnanival and the ruins of Valentine. * Turnys are green turnip-like mandragoras that are found primarily in Winterhorn Ridge and Titania . * Cubsbane are purple and are usually found in the Netherworld. They are based off of real-life egg plants. * Habaneristos are red pepper-like mandragoras that are mostly found in Titania and in the Volkenon Lava Pits. They are the only mandragora capable of dealing damage, as they can breath fire.
  • Mandragora este aliata Vrăjitoarelor Ancestrale şi antagonista primului film, Winx Club I: Secretul regatului pierdut.
  • Mandragora is the main antagonist of "The Secret of the Lost Kingdom". The Ancestral Witches transferred their power to her to free them. She is the Keeper of The Obsidian Circle, the portal to Obsidian, but she was corrupted by the dimension's darkness and locked inside as well. She is now the horrible witch at the service of the three ancestors, her wickedness is not less than to that of her masters. Mandragora's goal is to find the source of the Dragon Fire, then destroy it.
  • Mandragora's moeten regelmatig verpot worden, zodat ze niet in een te kleine pot zitten. Dit zou hun groei kunnen belemmeren. Verpotten is overigens een lastig karweitje, omdat Mandragora's van nature niet erg meewerkend zijn. Handschoenen zijn hierbij geen overbodige luxe, en oorwarmers zijn dus echt noodzakelijk. In de winter is het bij strenge vorst van belang dat de Mandragora's goed tegen de kou beschermd worden. Het kan dan nuttig zijn om ze sokken en sjaals om te doen die hen beschermen tegen het koude weer. Mocht een van de Mandragora's toch verkouden worden, dan is het verstandig om deze plant apart te zetten zodat hij anderen niet aan kan steken. Meestal genezen de Mandragora's wel van een verkoudheid, maar ze groeien een stuk minder snel.
  • Mandragora's moeten regelmatig verpot worden, zodat ze niet in een te kleine pot zitten. Dit zou hun groei kunnen belemmeren. Verpotten is overigens een lastig karweitje, omdat Mandragora's van nature niet erg meewerkend zijn. Handschoenen zijn hierbij geen overbodige luxe, en oorwarmers zijn dus echt noodzakelijk. In de winter is het bij strenge vorst van belang dat de Mandragora's goed tegen de kou beschermd worden. Het kan dan nuttig zijn om ze sokken en sjaals om te doen die hen beschermen tegen het koude weer. Mocht een van de Mandragora's toch verkouden worden, dan is het verstandig om deze plant apart te zetten zodat hij anderen niet aan kan steken. Meestal genezen de Mandragora's wel van een verkoudheid, maar ze groeien een stuk minder snel.
  • Mandragora is the main antagonist of the first Winx Club movie The Secret of the Lost Kingdom. She is the Keeper of The Obsidian Circle, the portal to Obsidian, but corrupted by the dimension's darkness and locked inside as well. She is now the horrible witch at the service of the three ancestors, her wickedness is not less than to that of her masters. Mandragora's goal is to find the source of the dragon fire, then destroy it. When the sword of Oritel awakes again in the Obsidian dimension, the three witches give Mandragora more power so that she may escape from the Obsidian Dimension and search for the keeper of the Dragon Flame who woke up the sword. First arriving Domino, where she senses the presence of the keeper of the Dragon Flame, she sends one of her insects to bite Riven, thus injecting a poison in him which enabled her to control him. Later she attacks Alfea, almost destroying the school for fairies. Finally, with the Winx, Faragonda is able to defeat her and send her back to the Obsidian Circle. However, having found the keeper of the Dragon's Flame and learned her name when Faragonda called Bloom by her name before banishing Mandragora back to Obsidian. She informed her mistresses, who immediately hatched a plot to destroy Bloom, Domino, and steal the Dragon Fire. Finally, when the Winx and the Specialists arrived at Obsidian, Mandragora attacked the boys and, manipulating Riven, cause him to remove the key from the lock of the Obsidian dimension, therefore blocking the Winx, minus Musa, inside the dark Dimension, and the Specialists and Musa outside it. Still under her control, Riven attacked Sky, causing Musa to be harmed in an attempt to save Sky. With nearly all of her enemies disarmed, she trapped the Specialists, except Riven, in traps made of a jelly-like substance. Riven, seeing an injured Musa on the ground, remembered his love for his beloved fairy, and the poison of Mandragora's insect was forced out of his body by his sorrow. He then attacked Mandragora, freeing the other Specialists, and all the Specialists destroyed Mandragora's insects. At the same moments, the Ancestral Witches called Mandragora back to help them. Her three mistresses possessed her in order to be able to harm Bloom, but Sky, ran the magic sword of Oritel through her, while Bloom used her Dragon Fire to burn her, finally killing her, defeating (and unknowingly freeing) the Witches and destroying The Obsidian Dimension. From Mandragora's reactions, those of the Three Ancient Witches and of the members of the Company of Light, it can be presumed that she was together with the Ancestral Witches and Valtor during the destruction of Domino, as she seems to closely know Faragonda, Hagen, as well as other members of the Company of Light. Moreover, Faragonda and Hagen also mention her by her name, and seem to have much knowledge about her. She probably used to be a server of Lord Darkar like the Ancestresses.
  • Mandragoras are soil-dwelling, plant-type monster girls. They don't go around actively raping humans, but rather use a combination of an attractive fragrance and a psychoactive scream to induce men to rape them. In the Monster Girl Encyclopedia World Guide II: Demon Realm Traveller's Guide there is a whole section on mandragora's roots, which can be painlessly harvested to use as an ingredient in cooking and aphrodisiac potions. Mandragoras also like having these roots sucked by their husband, so they're good for root fetishists.
  • Mandragora est un modèle spécial de Vaisseau Gummi apparaissant dans .
  • Draenei explorers have not yet determined if these multi-headed plant beasts are a natural species, or if they are created by the botani to defend their lands. These enormous, mindless creatures should only be engaged with extreme care, as each of a mandragora’s multiple heads are lined with serrated teeth, and the heads that aren’t busy chomping adventurers assault them with toxic spit or poisonous breath. Be wary of these foes when trekking through Draenor’s many overgrown jungles or bodies of stagnant water.
  • Although Mandragora stays in the same place, it can attack passersby from a distance using underground stalks.
  • Volk Naturelementare Volk Pflanzen Art Zugehörigkeit mglw. Botani Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Spitzen von Arak Gebiet Draenor Status Level Stufe Die Mandragora bewohnen in der World of Warcraft-Erweiterung Warlords of Draenor u.a. die Spitzen von Arak auf Draenor.
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