  • Hotti Clinic
  • The Hotti Clinic is a health clinic in Los Angeles. Notable patients include Mimi Miney, Franziska von Karma and a patient who claimed to be Director Hotti. The "Director" claims that the clinic is for transferees from a large general hospital nearby, usually when said hospital is at maximum capacity. The clinic also handles some plastic surgery.
  • Director Hotti
  • Franziska von Karma
  • Miles Edgeworth
  • "Director Hotti"
  • An unnamed nurse
  • Private clinic
  • License Photo
  • The Hotti Clinic is a health clinic in Los Angeles. Notable patients include Mimi Miney, Franziska von Karma and a patient who claimed to be Director Hotti. The "Director" claims that the clinic is for transferees from a large general hospital nearby, usually when said hospital is at maximum capacity. The clinic also handles some plastic surgery. Phoenix Wright has only seen the reception area of the clinic, which consisted of a waiting area, a reception desk and a corridor leading to the X-ray room. The waiting area consists of sofas lined up in front of a television, although there were not very many patients present during Wright's visits. The reception desk often appears to be unmanned and has a monthly "Word to the Wise" on the wall. During Wright's first visit, this was "Do something in vain, and your only reward is tiredness", which Wright felt was not the best thing to be telling your patients. A patient undergoing rehabilitation can often be seen making very slow progress on a pair of crutches, so slow in fact that Wright was shocked to find apparently the same man exactly where he had last seen him.