  • Darklonia
  • a small country ruled by Destro's cousin, Darklon. It is situated between Trans-Carpathia and Wolkekuckukkland
  • Darklonia is named for the wealthy Darklon family that settled there during the Middle Ages. According to tradition, the Darklon family were distant relatives of the Destros, before that family settled in Scotland. The Darklons are part of a long line of privateers, mecenaries and investment bankers. They have sold and manufactured weapons for as long as the business has existed. While the lord Darklon is the leader of the country, he has had little to do with the people who lived there. After the feudal era, the people have lived there lives with little contact with Darklon, except for those who have been employed by the weapons manufacturing business. In recent times, Darklonia's national policy has been to foster terror and unrest, making certain that there is a market for the country's
  • a small country ruled by Destro's cousin, Darklon. It is situated between Trans-Carpathia and Wolkekuckukkland
  • Darklonia is named for the wealthy Darklon family that settled there during the Middle Ages. According to tradition, the Darklon family were distant relatives of the Destros, before that family settled in Scotland. The Darklons are part of a long line of privateers, mecenaries and investment bankers. They have sold and manufactured weapons for as long as the business has existed. While the lord Darklon is the leader of the country, he has had little to do with the people who lived there. After the feudal era, the people have lived there lives with little contact with Darklon, except for those who have been employed by the weapons manufacturing business. In recent times, Darklonia's national policy has been to foster terror and unrest, making certain that there is a market for the country's armament sales. Bordered by Wolkekuckuckland to the south and and Trans-Carpathia to the north, Darklonia is a small country among a region of small countries. Due to a conflict in the past -- whose details have been forgotten -- there is a constant paranoia and distrust between Darklonia and Wolkekuckuckland ("W-land" to outsiders tired of trying to pronounce its name).