  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • Number 51 was an item on The List.
  • Second episode of the 50s column.
  • The year 51 AD.
  • [[Plik:Włościańska (nr 52, trolejbusy).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Trolejbus na linii 51 na terenie Centralnych Warsztatów Samochodowych (2015)]] [[Plik:Trolejbus (linia 51).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Trolejbus na linii 51 na ul. Puławskiej (1983)]] 51 - niestniejąca linia trolejbusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Wilanowskiej na Szkolną w Piasecznie. Linię obsługiwała zajezdnia Piaseczno.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "51" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Terry Adams (2004*) * Pedro Borbon Jr. (2001-2002) * Gary Glover (1999) * Ryan Glynn (2004*) * Jesse Litsch (2007-2009) * David Maurer (2004*) * Trever Miller (2003)
  • Mike gibt Diana den Laufpass und lässt sie deutlich spüren, dass von nun an auch im Training andere Zeiten beginnen. Diana denkt über einen Wechsel nach Frankfurt nach. Julian sorgt sich um Diana und vermutet Probleme mit Mike. Doch dann macht Julian eine ungeheuerliche Entdeckung... Annette will nicht mit Ingo schlafen, weil sie hofft, dass aus ihrem One-Night-Stand mit Richard mehr wird. Als Richard sie jedoch abblitzen lässt, ist Annettes Selbstwertgefühl am Ende. Gemeinsam mit dem ebenfalls frustrierten Mike sucht sie Trost im Alkohol. Das hat fatale Folgen, denn die beiden landen zusammen im Bett. Tim hat die Streitereien zwischen Vanessa und satt. Er steigt aus der Band aus.
  • El cincuenta y uno (51) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y precede al cincuenta y dos Categoría:Números
  • DESZCZOWA Deszczowa - Wichrowa Wiejska - Deszczowa Wiejska - Chojnicka Krajeńska - Wiejska Nad Torem - Krajeńska Nad Torem - Siedlecka Grunwaldzka - Kraszewskiego Grunwaldzka - Kanałowa Rondo Grunwaldzkie Plac Poznański Nowy Rynek Zbożowy Rynek Rondo Jagiellonów PLAC KOŚCIELECKICH
  • #51 is the fifty-first figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • thumb|left|51 wyjeżdża z przystanku Kołłątaja 51-linia autobusowa zwykła-kursuje z zajezdni na ul.Kołłątaja na przystanek końcowy Osów
  • 51 (fifty-one) is a positive integer following 50 and preceding 52. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-first" or 51st.
  • The 51 shirt is the highest number ever worn by a Bristol Rovers player, and it has only ever been worn by one man. During the 2009–10 season the club assigned squad numbers to a number of youth team players as well as the first team squad, so when goalkeeper Rhys Evans joined the club in mid-August and requested a squad number with a 1 in it, the number 51 was the lowest available that fitted the bill. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 51.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 51 (June 18th, 2010) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Omole! [can't find the language to verify; help! - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen, questions on-screen unless noted): Why is Pi squared and not round? Narrator: Are you there, God? Narrator: Is there an Ask That Chick With The Glasses that can handle more feminine questions? Narrator: I'm having my period and... Narrator: How can I guarantee I will pass my next exam? That Guy: 'Cause we're FUCKIN' IDIOTS. Next!
  • Linię uruchomiono 28 lutego 2009, jednak faktycznie wyjechała na trasę dopiero w poniedziałek 2 marca. Kursowała co 20 minut, tylko w dni powszednie w godzinach szczytu. Obsługiwały ją początkowo tramwaje Bombardier NGT6 z trzeciej dostawy. Z czasem na linii zaczęły się pojawiać również starsze Bombardiery. Na linii stosowano rozwiązanie polegające na odstawieniu w międzyszczycie pociągów obsługujących linię na pętli Prokocim. Od 13 listopada 2009 do 1 kwietnia 2011 na linii kursowały też wagony MAN N8, wymiennie z Bombardierami (później N8S zostały przeniesione do Zajezdni Nowa Huta).
  • Roger is skeptical that Bill Malloy is in any danger and Elizabeth is trying to convince him how out of character it is for Malloy to be gone when Carolyn and Victoria run in and reveal their discovery of the dead body at the foot of the Hill. Roger refuses to check and insists Matthew be sent; Elizabeth phones him directly. Elizabeth thinks they saw rocks while Roger suggests it was seaweed. Carolyn insists it wasn't seaweed because she knows how that looks. Victoria thinks it may have been a trick of David's.
  • 12.5
  • 22
  • 50
  • 239.950000
Folgen Nummer
  • 51
  • 51
  • 51
  • 32
  • Stała trasa linii 51
  • 1.300000
  • co 20 minut w szczycie
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 14112006
  • 52
  • 1966-08-22
  • 51
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 2
  • Episode 51
  • 1966-09-05
Character Name
  • Canadianman
  • Linia 51 .svg
  • List Number 51
  • 2
  • 50
  • 50.0
  • 51
  • 52
  • 52.0
  • Bawz_20061114_0051_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • Slept with Ralph's mom
  • green
  • 51
  • tak
  • 51
  • Roger is skeptical that Bill Malloy is in any danger and Elizabeth is trying to convince him how out of character it is for Malloy to be gone when Carolyn and Victoria run in and reveal their discovery of the dead body at the foot of the Hill. Roger refuses to check and insists Matthew be sent; Elizabeth phones him directly. Elizabeth thinks they saw rocks while Roger suggests it was seaweed. Carolyn insists it wasn't seaweed because she knows how that looks. Victoria thinks it may have been a trick of David's. Matthew goes out to Widows' Hill and looks. Whatever Matthew sees, he feels it necessary to climb down Widows' Hill. They again speak of the legend and Roger is glad that they now refer to the sight as 'the thing'. Privately Carolyn and Victoria speak of what they really saw and hope it was a stranger. Roger tries to continue the morbid discussion in favor of returning to the discussion of business. Elizabeth informs him that she offered Ned Calder his job back and insults Roger's business acumen. Roger believes that Ned's refusal and Elizabeth's triumph will lead to his gaining more power. Elizabeth insists it must also please Malloy; Matthew claims that he found nothing and even went down to the beach to check. Elizabeth puts the matter to bed but Victoria and Carolyn decide to bunk together for strength anyway. Victoria asks Carolyn if Matthew would have any reason to lie; Elizabeth thinks Matthew was acting strangely and questions his veracity. Roger calls Sam and asks if he's heard from Malloy. Matthew gets a visitor, Elizabeth, who asks him if anything’s wrong. Matthew tells Elizabeth that he expected to find Bill Malloy, a man of habits. Matthew is worried that whatever 'kept' Bill Malloy away will ruin the grounds of Collinwood. Elizabeth asks Matthew to show her what he saw. Victoria and Carolyn want to look again, can't get Roger to come with them. Elizabeth sees a shocking sight; clumps of seaweed that look like a dead body. Matthew wants them silenced. Victoria tells about David's prediction.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 51 (June 18th, 2010) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Omole! [can't find the language to verify; help! - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen, questions on-screen unless noted): Why is Pi squared and not round? That Guy: (turns to the camera and takes out his pipe) That's a very good question. Well, first of all, have you ever HAD Pi round? It's disgusting! / [indicates a jump cut] All that fruit and sweetness, it's absolutely gross. / Now, square Pi? Oh, THAT'S the delicious part. / It has all sorts of endangered meats like whale, dolphin, and even dodo. / If you've never had dodo before, I highly recommend it. / It tastes like a mix between, vinegar, asparagus, and DEATH... / (leans in to the camera) mixed with poisoned cactus, of course. / If you haven't had square Pi before, I suggest you make some right now and eat it. / And then you can mail me your corpse so I can use it in one of my MANY sacrifices. / Incidentally, did you know I was Sacrifice Monthly's Devil Worshipper of the Month? / In fact, I was the centerfold. / And with nipples like mine (points to them with his mouthpiece), who can blame them? / Me. / (softly) Yes. Narrator: Are you there, God? Narrator: Is there an Ask That Chick With The Glasses that can handle more feminine questions? That Guy: What, so you think I'm not OPEN enough to answer any feminine questions? Is that it? (scoffs) How sexist is THAT? (growing frustrated) For crying out loud, I can answer feminine questions, okay? Go ahead! Ask me one! ASK me one right now! Narrator: I'm having my period and... That Guy: Okay, stop! (waving his hands to cut the scene short) Stop. We'll look into it. (with a pained look on his face) Narrator: How can I guarantee I will pass my next exam? That Guy: (turns to camera) Well, either study hard or CHEAT. / I recommend cheating because studying takes up WAY too much time. / And you could be using that time to do MORE important things. / Like painting your face yellow and going,,, (trilling in a high pitch with his eyes wide open) / Why? I don't know. It's gotta be better than studying. (pause) It's so BORING. Narrator: Did somebody say, "MacDonald's"? [spelling error the questioner probably sent - ed.] That Guy: Did they? Let's GO! (He leaves screen-right. We then hear high-pitched screaming from possibly a young girl as five gunshots are fired. As the screaming continues alone for a few seconds, one last shot is heard; the screaming stops. That Guy comes back into view from the right, chuckling and wiping his hands clean of any mess. When he notices the camera, he's briefly startled and looks quickly to his left before explaining:) Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you said, "slaughter a bunch of children in an orphanage;" but YOU said, "McDonald's." (brief chuckle) My mistake. Narrator: Did somebody say, "slaughter innocent children inside an orphanage"? That Guy: Wow, I want some McDonald's. (he leaves screen-left again) Narrator: Those are some fancy glasses. How did you get them anyway? That Guy: (normal position) They belonged to a child in an orphanage. (scoffs) Trust me, he wasn't gonna need them anymore. Narrator: If there's an alphabet, then what happened to Betabet and Deltabet? [Note: this is different from the actual question, only by a few words. On screen, it reads, "what happened to the Betabet or the Deltabet?" - ed.] That Guy: Well, I think it's obvious: Alpha had them killed. / You see, Alphabet is much like the Alpha Dog. Since he's at the TOP, nobody fucks with him. / The Hawaiian alphabet tried to mess with our alphabet; and, because of it, they lost several letters. / And let's not forget the ancient battle of the Letters of Iwo Jima. / (looks up briefly) Incidentally, I think Clint Eastwood made a MOVIE out of that. / It was called Care Bears: The Next Generation. / (leans in) Jean-Luc Picard was their captain. / And if you think I'm wrong, I'm not. Narrator: Is Disney World the only people trap operated by a mouse, or are there other places like this? That Guy: No, it's the only place; (leans in, pointing his pipe) and trust me, you don't wanna go there. / All those videos and commercials of people having fun? Unh-unh, That's just a cover. / Disney World is actually a gigantic mouse trap! / You know how Epcot has all those weird little gadgets that you can't understand? Those are the gears! / You see, Cinderella's Castle has a giant hose that pours gasoline on all the people! / And then Mickey Mouse goes, "Ha-ha!" (Mickey Mouse-style), lights a match and BURNS them all away! / (starts to cry) They fall apart like leaves! / Anyone not wearing a million sunblock [I'm guessing he means 1,000,000 SPF lotion - ed.] is gonna have a REAL BAD DAY, GET IT? / (sobs again) You think you're saving a life, but you're dead! You, me, him, this whole place, everything is GONE!!! / (hysterically and up-close) I KNOW IT HAPPENED!! IT HAPPENED!!!! (we then cut to the Color Bars test pattern screen) "Mickey Mouse" (voice-over by Doug): Ha-ha! This'll be ONE second, folks! That Guy: (back in his normal position. However, he is now moving eerily like the animatronic figures you see at Disney World with stilted movements of his arms and his mouth constantly opening and closing. The voice-over you hear is his normal tone, but it sounds a "bit" forced.) Ladies and gentlemen, PLEASE don't believe what I just said a second ago. Disney is a WONDERFUL place and would not knock me out and replace me with an animatronic of myself. Hamster jelly and onions. THAT'S what I say, right? Narrator: Why do we kill people who kill people to show them that killing people is wrong? That Guy: 'Cause we're FUCKIN' IDIOTS. Next! Narrator: How did you like the final episode of "Lost"? That Guy: (chuckles) Are you kidding? I thought it was splendid. / See, I didn't care if a lot of the questions weren't answered. I was emotionally involved, and that's what matters. / You see, J.J. Abrams was right: it wasn't about all the questions being asked; it was about the emotional attachment that you got to these characters. / And in the end, as long as THEY have a happy ending, I have a happy ending. / (chuckles) Just kidding. (gets angry) It was the BIGGEST PIECE OF HORSESHIT I EVER SAW!! / Yeah, because THAT'S what we really want to see. We want to see the characters get a (sarcastically) "happy ending." BULLFUCK! / We want ANSWERS, man! Answers to these questions that YOU created! / And don't give me some bullshit about, (sarcastic) "Oh, we're not supposed to know the answers! It's all SYMBOLIC!" / This isn't Pulp Fiction, where the PEOPLE knew what was in the briefcase, but we didn't! You see, THEY at least KNEW! / In the VERY FIRST episode, they ask the question: "What's that smoke monster?" THEY want to know, so WE want to know! (smacks his forehead with his hands) GET IT?!?! / I mean, there are so many questions that just went unanswered, like: (starts talking pretty fast) "What was that TRIBE in the middle of the forest?" You know, the one that had, like, the little, uh, castle with the Aztec tribe or whatever that was? And they're trying to kill Sayid. I mean, what was up with that? What was up... (dissolves into the next part) And how about seeing Jack's father on the island over and over and over? I mean, that made no sense. Or-or WALT! Remember Walt, the psychic kid? Yeah, THAT really went somewhere, didn't it? That was SO important! They were building THAT up... (dissolves into this part) And WHO THE FUCK was Jacob and the Man In Black? WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY? They're just sort of standing there, like this big, epic battle... and we don't even know what they are! We have no IDEA what the fuck they are! I mean, they're just TALKING to each other... (dissolves into this part) And Jack has to go into this CAVE and take a ROCK OUT, just to put it back IN! And DESMOND is important for some reason! (starting to lose it) But do we KNOW? NO! NO!! BECAUSE THEY NEVER FUCKING TELL US!! (at this point, he jumps around in a circle, shaking his fists and throwing a tantrum) THEY NEVER FUCKING TELL US!! THEY NEVER FUCKING TELL US!!... (dissolves into THIS, with That Guy's demeanor MUCH more jovial:) And then Santa took ALL the little elves back to his workshop, and they lived HAPPILY ever after. (pauses, then looks up) Boy, did I get sidetracked. / Bottom line: "Lost" sucks now. / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." (winks and goes back to reading his book and smoking his pipe, but he then says...) And FUCKIN' answer it, Mr. Abrams! (returns to reading and smoking) THE END (followed by the Channel Awesome tag)
  • Number 51 was an item on The List.
  • Second episode of the 50s column.
  • The year 51 AD.
  • [[Plik:Włościańska (nr 52, trolejbusy).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Trolejbus na linii 51 na terenie Centralnych Warsztatów Samochodowych (2015)]] [[Plik:Trolejbus (linia 51).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Trolejbus na linii 51 na ul. Puławskiej (1983)]] 51 - niestniejąca linia trolejbusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Wilanowskiej na Szkolną w Piasecznie. Linię obsługiwała zajezdnia Piaseczno.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "51" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Terry Adams (2004*) * Pedro Borbon Jr. (2001-2002) * Gary Glover (1999) * Ryan Glynn (2004*) * Jesse Litsch (2007-2009) * David Maurer (2004*) * Trever Miller (2003)
  • Mike gibt Diana den Laufpass und lässt sie deutlich spüren, dass von nun an auch im Training andere Zeiten beginnen. Diana denkt über einen Wechsel nach Frankfurt nach. Julian sorgt sich um Diana und vermutet Probleme mit Mike. Doch dann macht Julian eine ungeheuerliche Entdeckung... Annette will nicht mit Ingo schlafen, weil sie hofft, dass aus ihrem One-Night-Stand mit Richard mehr wird. Als Richard sie jedoch abblitzen lässt, ist Annettes Selbstwertgefühl am Ende. Gemeinsam mit dem ebenfalls frustrierten Mike sucht sie Trost im Alkohol. Das hat fatale Folgen, denn die beiden landen zusammen im Bett. Tim hat die Streitereien zwischen Vanessa und satt. Er steigt aus der Band aus.
  • El cincuenta y uno (51) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y precede al cincuenta y dos Categoría:Números
  • DESZCZOWA Deszczowa - Wichrowa Wiejska - Deszczowa Wiejska - Chojnicka Krajeńska - Wiejska Nad Torem - Krajeńska Nad Torem - Siedlecka Grunwaldzka - Kraszewskiego Grunwaldzka - Kanałowa Rondo Grunwaldzkie Plac Poznański Nowy Rynek Zbożowy Rynek Rondo Jagiellonów PLAC KOŚCIELECKICH
  • The 51 shirt is the highest number ever worn by a Bristol Rovers player, and it has only ever been worn by one man. During the 2009–10 season the club assigned squad numbers to a number of youth team players as well as the first team squad, so when goalkeeper Rhys Evans joined the club in mid-August and requested a squad number with a 1 in it, the number 51 was the lowest available that fitted the bill. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 51. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and the end of 2012–13: 644 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 51: 3 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 51: 0.5%
  • Linię uruchomiono 28 lutego 2009, jednak faktycznie wyjechała na trasę dopiero w poniedziałek 2 marca. Kursowała co 20 minut, tylko w dni powszednie w godzinach szczytu. Obsługiwały ją początkowo tramwaje Bombardier NGT6 z trzeciej dostawy. Z czasem na linii zaczęły się pojawiać również starsze Bombardiery. Na linii stosowano rozwiązanie polegające na odstawieniu w międzyszczycie pociągów obsługujących linię na pętli Prokocim. Od 13 listopada 2009 do 1 kwietnia 2011 na linii kursowały też wagony MAN N8, wymiennie z Bombardierami (później N8S zostały przeniesione do Zajezdni Nowa Huta). Linia została zlikwidowana 17 listopada 2012 podczas tzw. remarszrutyzacji, potoki pasażerskie obsłużyła linia 50 która od tego dnia zaczęła kursować co 5 minut, a nie co 10 jak dotychczas. Historyczne linie i pętle tramwajowe oraz tabor w Krakowie
  • #51 is the fifty-first figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • thumb|left|51 wyjeżdża z przystanku Kołłątaja 51-linia autobusowa zwykła-kursuje z zajezdni na ul.Kołłątaja na przystanek końcowy Osów
  • 51 (fifty-one) is a positive integer following 50 and preceding 52. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-first" or 51st.
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