  • Marty Willick
  • Marty Willick
  • Marty Willick tritt in der Law & Order-Episode Plötzlicher Kindstod auf.
  • Marty Willick is the husband of Eileen Willick and the father of three of their children, all of whom deceased and the father of an unborn child. Whenever they would have a child together, Eileen would kill it due to her mental illness, and he would cover up her crime. When their last child was killed by her, he buried the baby in a cooler and would claim the child was kidnapped, but was eventually unable to hide the truth from the police as they uncovered what had really happened. When he was told that his wife was pregnant again, he had her institutionalized to get her help and to stop her from killing their next child. (L&O: "Precious")
Erster Auftritt
  • unbekannt
Letzter Auftritt
  • unbekannt
  • Marty Willick.jpg
  • Marty Willick tritt in der Law & Order-Episode Plötzlicher Kindstod auf.
  • Marty Willick is the husband of Eileen Willick and the father of three of their children, all of whom deceased and the father of an unborn child. Whenever they would have a child together, Eileen would kill it due to her mental illness, and he would cover up her crime. When their last child was killed by her, he buried the baby in a cooler and would claim the child was kidnapped, but was eventually unable to hide the truth from the police as they uncovered what had really happened. When he was told that his wife was pregnant again, he had her institutionalized to get her help and to stop her from killing their next child. (L&O: "Precious")