  • Elandir
  • At the dawn of the First Age, Elandir led his people into the Agallan Peaks of eastern Aranna, agreeing to stay out of the affairs of Zaramoth, the last of the Utgards, for some unknown concession by the Unmaker. However, Elandir and his kin broke this pact, and forged Azunai his mystical shield in order to challenge the Sword of Zaramoth. The Shield, which was missing a crucial fragment that had been lost during its creation, shattered when it met the Sword, an event that sparked the First Cataclysm.
  • At the dawn of the First Age, Elandir led his people into the Agallan Peaks of eastern Aranna, agreeing to stay out of the affairs of Zaramoth, the last of the Utgards, for some unknown concession by the Unmaker. However, Elandir and his kin broke this pact, and forged Azunai his mystical shield in order to challenge the Sword of Zaramoth. The Shield, which was missing a crucial fragment that had been lost during its creation, shattered when it met the Sword, an event that sparked the First Cataclysm. Just before the Cataclysm struck however, several of Elandir's trusted advisers betrayed their people, and sent the Agallan capital of Agalla crashing into the sea. The leader of this conspiracy, a woman named Malith, was bound to the Throne of Agony, and her fellows were cursed, their size and longevity stripped from them. The remaining Agallans were horrified by the destruction wrought by their creation, and secluded themselves even further from the outside world.