  • 48870871124826570463953805139878697155358000962012333290725030523875
  • 48870871124826570463953805139878697155358000962012333290725030523875 is the first odd-abundant number not divisible by 3 and whose factors has a sum of more than 3 times the original number. It is approximately equal to \(4.887 imes 10^{67}\). The prime factorization of this number is: 53 x 73 x 112 x 132 x 172 x 192 x 232 x 29 x 31 x 37 x 41 x 43 x 47 x 53 x 59 x 61 x 67 x 71 x 73 x 79 x 83 x 89 x 97 x 101 x 103 x 107 x 109 x 113 x 127 x 131 x 137 x 139 x 149 x 151. Therefore, the sum of the factors is: This is 3.000213190288... times the original number.
  • 48870871124826570463953805139878697155358000962012333290725030523875 is the first odd-abundant number not divisible by 3 and whose factors has a sum of more than 3 times the original number. It is approximately equal to \(4.887 imes 10^{67}\). The prime factorization of this number is: 53 x 73 x 112 x 132 x 172 x 192 x 232 x 29 x 31 x 37 x 41 x 43 x 47 x 53 x 59 x 61 x 67 x 71 x 73 x 79 x 83 x 89 x 97 x 101 x 103 x 107 x 109 x 113 x 127 x 131 x 137 x 139 x 149 x 151. Therefore, the sum of the factors is: (1+5+52+53) * (1+7+72+73) * (1+11+112) * (1+13+132) * (1+17+172) * (1+19+192) * (1+23+232) * 30 * 32 * 38 * 42 * 44 * 48 * 54 * 60 * 62 * 68 * 72 * 74 * 80 * 84 * 90 * 98 * 102 * 104 * 108 * 110 * 114 * 128 * 132 * 138 * 140 * 150 * 152 = 146623032169592356083568880299404643621639498625919913820160000000000. This is 3.000213190288... times the original number.