  • Griffonheight Keep
  • Griffonheight Keep was a keep and barracks in Velprintalar, Aglarond, situated on a hill. As of 1368 DR, it housed 250 foot soldiers and 50 cavalry, under the command of Sir Tyman. By 1374 DR, the number of foot soldiers had increased to 400, and the cavalry had been replaced by aerial cavalry. Although it was believed at the time that a Thayan threat had triggered the buildup of troops, the Simbul had detected a threat between the Society of the Verdant Arrow and the Sons of Hoar and wished to be prepared.
  • Griffonheight Keep
  • Barracks and keep
  • Griffonheight Keep was a keep and barracks in Velprintalar, Aglarond, situated on a hill. As of 1368 DR, it housed 250 foot soldiers and 50 cavalry, under the command of Sir Tyman. By 1374 DR, the number of foot soldiers had increased to 400, and the cavalry had been replaced by aerial cavalry. Although it was believed at the time that a Thayan threat had triggered the buildup of troops, the Simbul had detected a threat between the Society of the Verdant Arrow and the Sons of Hoar and wished to be prepared.