  • Lord Stinker
  • Lord Stinker is Warrior's favourite rubbish barge. He came to the rescue in High Tide by stopping The Goods Engine from sinking into the canal. He is very intelligent, and has proved that he is more than just a barge. He is distinctive of wearing a clothespin to escape smelling his own stench! Lord Stinker's character reflects that of Whiff from the sister series, as a garbage character.
  • Lord Stinker is Warrior's favourite rubbish barge. He came to the rescue in High Tide by stopping The Goods Engine from sinking into the canal. He is very intelligent, and has proved that he is more than just a barge. He is distinctive of wearing a clothespin to escape smelling his own stench! Lord Stinker's character reflects that of Whiff from the sister series, as a garbage character.