  • Pegasiswolf
  • Peg is always happy to help others. She has the Emerald Ocean completely memorized and is always willing to help with a charting if not busy. She is also always available to answer questions about the game. She is also know for her little eccentricity. She collects sand dollar trinkets of all things. At last count she had over 16,000 of them. Ask her to see her Atlantis and Cursed Isles collections. She is always happy to have visitors. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • 1
  • Pegasiswolf
  • Emerald
  • yes
  • captain
  • Peg is always happy to help others. She has the Emerald Ocean completely memorized and is always willing to help with a charting if not busy. She is also always available to answer questions about the game. Be sure not to miss her yearly HUGE giveaway event, XMAS IN JULY. Tons of ships and hundreds of other prizes are given out during a long pillage. 2011 was a 24 hour war brig pillage with 11 ships and 90 wrapped presents given away. info for 2011 can be found at 2012 was a 72 hr non-stop WB pillage. She gave out 40 ships and over 400 wrapped presents. Info for 2012 event can be found at She is also know for her little eccentricity. She collects sand dollar trinkets of all things. At last count she had over 16,000 of them. Ask her to see her Atlantis and Cursed Isles collections. She is always happy to have visitors. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].