  • Raido Chronicles 2 : The Dark Side of Ambition
  • Walking through a forest, was a blonde-haired man, who was known as Sannoto Senju, a direct decedent of the legendary Hashirama Senju. As he walked throughout the forest he continued to observe his environment, continuously glancing around, nervously. After all he had just wiped out an entire village of clan members, and the village's allies would surely, if they had not already, send a group of S-Rank shinobi after him. It would only be a matter of time before Sannoto was discovered and he would be forced to confront these shinobi, in his weakened state. While using the time he bought to restore himself for the next wave of ninja bound to show up, he looks up toward the distance and sees a single figure making its way toward his position. They must really underestimate my abilites either
  • Walking through a forest, was a blonde-haired man, who was known as Sannoto Senju, a direct decedent of the legendary Hashirama Senju. As he walked throughout the forest he continued to observe his environment, continuously glancing around, nervously. After all he had just wiped out an entire village of clan members, and the village's allies would surely, if they had not already, send a group of S-Rank shinobi after him. It would only be a matter of time before Sannoto was discovered and he would be forced to confront these shinobi, in his weakened state. While using the time he bought to restore himself for the next wave of ninja bound to show up, he looks up toward the distance and sees a single figure making its way toward his position. They must really underestimate my abilites either than or I did more damage than i thought .Sannoto grinned as he readied himself for the solo attacker. The figure steps up and Sannoto immediately recongnize the symbol the person donned it was the Uchiha Clan fan insignia Great.... 1st it was a bunch of S-rank ninja and now they send in an Uchiha to close the deal.. but no worries ive had my share of battle vs the Sharingan as he flashbacked during his battle with Itachi. Now show me just what it is that has made you so revered by people, Or are you just another legend in the wind here today and gone tomorrow he said as he activated his Sharingan. Sannoto knew he couldnt stall too long as the next wave would be on him soon as he engaged in a intense staredown with a new seemingly formiddble foe...... "Okay..Raido. I'll play with you for a bit", Sannoto said, as he cracked his knuckles.."I guess I shall make the first move", the Senju stated; forming handseals. Iron Release: Iron Bullets!, Sannoto thought to himself as he released a large amount of Iron bullets, which shot towards Raido...These bullets would surely be able to stun Raido if they hit, giving Sannoto time to use a devastating technique. Such speed and intensity behind those bullets but he said while his right eye began to warp him using his Space-Time Migration on the oppostie side of Sannoto im no average Uchiha and you will find that out very quickly "Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique", Raido said to himself, as he released the technique. Sannoto who was setting up for a his devastating attck dodged around the flaming dragons noting the the destructive force it had as it collided with the trees and the ground. You start off with a fire technique for someone who claims to be different from the average Uchiha you sure to seem to battle like one he commented Raido Shot out more dragons to which Sannoto Grinned Iron Migration Technique he dissappeared from view and appearred behind Raido and once again used his Iron Release: Iron Bullets technique. Due to the Sannoto only being a couple of feet away, Raido would have no time to evade the attack.. Even with my speed I cant get out the way of all of them in time.. looks like shit just real He noted .. activating his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan It sucked up all of the iron bullets to which he quickly comments ive never seen this iron style used in such a manner usually the user either has too much power not enough speed or the attack has too much speed but not enough power to make a decisive blow.. but this guy its the perfect blend. Dont patronize me for my abilities Sannoto Laughed Althought of all the techinques i thought he would resort to.... Kamui was not one of them You see Sannoto continuned you have talent with your eyes but every Uchiha relys far to much on those eyes.. and i have something to removes it effectivess in battle lets see if your truly the baddest Uchiha that you claim in the village you are Bringer of Darkn--- The S_rank ninja finally arrived with their reinforcements whose numbers were astounding.. numbering to what he saw was the thousands. Your gonna regret what you did to my ninja earlier on you blond haired-bastard when were done with you we will hang yuou by your entrails and parade you around each village to show our domination.. and since you bought baqck he can join you as well the master ninja said with a blood lusted look in his eyes. Hold on Sannoto said... friends You telling me your not with these clowns he looked at Raido Tuh I wouldnt join these clown even if you paid me but it does seem they mistake us for allies and are here for blood... honestly i harbor no ill feelings for you but i think a little teamwork is called for it Raido shot back Best thing you said all day but dont think our game is done.. its just on pause for the moment. at least untill he we take the trash out it all over the place out here Sannoto said confidently Deal Raido Said immediately An Uchiha and a senju teamed up together i guess theres a 1st for everything... lets make it happen they said in unison standing back to back Earth Release: Earth Flow Rampart Sannoto starts his battles of with Lightling Release Cross Thunder Raido began his as well Starting off what could be the fateful friendship... and newfound rivalry....