  • Barbequor
  • Tier: 4-B due to sheer size Name: Barbequor Gender: Unknown Age: Unknown Classification: Unknown Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Invulnerability, Flight, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation, Size Alteration, Can eat solar systems Attack Potency: Solar System level due to sheer size (Much larger than his grill, which was large enough to contain the entire solar system with room to spare. Ate all the planets and the Sun itself) Lifting Strength: Stellar (Casually moved the Sun) Stamina: Unknown Range: Unknown Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: Unknown
  • Tier: 4-B due to sheer size Name: Barbequor Gender: Unknown Age: Unknown Classification: Unknown Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Invulnerability, Flight, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation, Size Alteration, Can eat solar systems Attack Potency: Solar System level due to sheer size (Much larger than his grill, which was large enough to contain the entire solar system with room to spare. Ate all the planets and the Sun itself) Lifting Strength: Stellar (Casually moved the Sun) Stamina: Unknown Range: Unknown Standard Equipment: Oven Mitts, Grill, Spatula, Tongs, Kabob Stick, Electric Fly Zapper, Deep Space Off Spray, Barbeque Sauce, The Silver Spooner (his herald) Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: Unknown