  • Miss Catherine
  • She is a very tall and red strict teacher who appears in an Average Day Adventure but has a short appearance. When they main character has a choice to go down the east, main, or west stairs he is stupid and isn't thinking so he chooses to go down the west stairs and of course she is there. Once he gets on them she tells him he knows that those stairs aren't for this holiday and were just cleaned and she doesn't want anyone walking on them so to show her strictness she expels him!
  • She is a very tall and red strict teacher who appears in an Average Day Adventure but has a short appearance. When they main character has a choice to go down the east, main, or west stairs he is stupid and isn't thinking so he chooses to go down the west stairs and of course she is there. Once he gets on them she tells him he knows that those stairs aren't for this holiday and were just cleaned and she doesn't want anyone walking on them so to show her strictness she expels him!