  • S. John Ross
  • His sole contribution to canon was indirect, the result of his work as the primary author of Among the Clans, in which he introduced the term Ushaan as part of an Andorian language he created for the book. The book was further referenced by Michael A. Martin in his Pocket ENT novel, Beneath the Raptor's Wing, which furthered the book's suggestion that the despot Krotus was Andorian.
  • His sole contribution to canon was indirect, the result of his work as the primary author of Among the Clans, in which he introduced the term Ushaan as part of an Andorian language he created for the book. The book was further referenced by Michael A. Martin in his Pocket ENT novel, Beneath the Raptor's Wing, which furthered the book's suggestion that the despot Krotus was Andorian.
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